Voidbreaker Report 004: Special RoS Edition!


Voidbreaker Report 004: Special RoS Edition!

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Welcome. For this Special Edition™ report, we’re going to focus on the ongoing Rite of Supremacy (RoS) and how the Voidbreaker and its members factor into it.


Voidbreaker x RoS

Just before the start of the event, we had a discussion in Voidbreaker chat about where we felt our characters would go/support. In the end, a chunk of us chose to support the Harmonist, but that doesn’t mean that we all have to do the same thing. Zuza and Laika chose to pursue different teams, and that’s perfectly okay for anyone else on the team that wants to join in on the event.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to get credit towards participating in the RoS, you must pledge to one of the 4 sub-factions.

What is a sub-faction? Sub-factions are groups nested under a parent group. So for example, Voidbreaker BTL is a sub-group of House Qel-Droma, which is a sub-group of Clan Acona. For this event, the Severian Principate and the Tenixir Revenants have broken up into sub-factions:

Severian Principate - Imperial Warlord Remnant loosely allied with the Brotherhood...

  • Restorers — members of the SP that want to wipe out/crush the Tenixir Revnant (pirates)

  • Harmonist — Anti-scorched earth war. Anti-pirating. Believe that the Tenixir prisoners deserve to be heard and right to hear them out and find a humane solution to problems.

Tenixir Revenants — Pirates formed after a major Prison Break...

  • Retibutionist — Radicals that want to destroy the Principate for what they've done. Full on Raiders, aggressive measures.

  • Expansionists — Free of the Principate, this faction wants to simply go their own way, and find their own space to rebuild and make a home. They don't want all out war with the Principate.

Here is the current breakdown of the Voidbreaker’s team members support towards the 4 respective sub-factions:

  • Marick Tyris Arconae (Wally) — Harmonist
  • Eun-Sil Urie (Laika) — Restorers
  • L'ara Erinos (Karran) — Harmonist
  • Leeadra Halcyon — Harmonist
  • Doon Sulvir (Song) — Harmonist
  • Zuza Lottson — Expansionist
  • Archian — Harmonist
  • Sulith Bekett (Techie) — Harmonist
  • Kelviin — Harmonist
  • Emere Galo — TBD
  • Strategos Entar Arconae — TBD
  • Edema R'uh-Kalinor— TBD

That said, my job as BTL is to help ensure that each of you has the resources, tools, and answers that you need. If you need anything, have questions, or just want someone to talk to, I’m here for you, regardless of what faction you choose :). #TeamVoidbreaker


Rite of Supremacy: Escalation

So, what exactly is an RoS? Basically, it’s a major club-wide event that we get to participate in. Usually, for something like a “War” (often called Great Jedi Wars, or GJWs)

To help better understand how to join in and compete in this event, I made a guide overview/guide. You can check it out here: How-to Compete Guide by Wally.

In short, my goal for Voidbraker is for each of us that have pledged to do at least 1 competition. Even if it’s just the flash game, that will be a huge accomplishment for us across the board. Taking it one step further, our next “stretch” goal would be to do at least 1 competition in each bin. By doing 1 competition in each bin, you can still reach full participation without having to go all out.



Of course, if most of you are like me, you won’t be sated by just doing the minimum. If you want to go beyond, push past your limits, and go PLUA ULTRA let’s try and aim to hit as many competitions as we can! The more comps you do, the more potential points you can score!

One way or another, let’s show the Brotherhood who the best Battleteam in the club is! Arcona Invicta.

If it’s your first time competing, make sure you check out these SA exams that go over the basics.

Once you’re ready, you can check out the list of competitions here.

Storyline Notes

Big events like this usually have a larger (macro level) fiction that ties together the theme of the events. You can read the published fiction here.. The Voice provided a really helpful “TL;DR” so I won’t duplicate his work. You can check that out here.

From Voidbreaker’s perspective, we’ve been deployed on our own, so to speak, without committing the full force of Arcona’s fleet/resources. So, it’s up to us to figure out how we each factor into this story and have an impact!

Don't forget, reading the fictions is usually a good way to get a better idea of what's going on. There is often a competition relating to trivia, as well, and having read the fiction/Wiki pages is usually helpful.


Captain's BLog

Taking a more focused approach to this section, let’s answer some questions from the team.

Archian asks: Do we organise lists from the easiest and fastest challenges to the most time taking? Do we pre-sort groups for RP this time? Do we record some fun voice over stuff if there is competition as extra after credits?

These are some great questions.

  1. I put “stars” next to each of the easiest competitions in the Guide I made. Next week, I will send out an “Abridged” version of how to do the most amount of events in as little time as possible.
  2. There are no RPs for this event, so to speak. Most of us will be focused on the events. My best advice, though, is to look at the Co-Op fiction competition. This competition can be 2-3 members, and you just need to make sure you color code/differentiate between each other's “posts.” You can do it on Telegram and copy and paste into Google Drive, or you can just write together inside of the Google Doc like it was an RP. If you need help or have questions, let me know.
  3. There is no Voice Over competition, but we do have a fun Multimedia competition to make a Propaganda video! For an example of one of these, check out the one Atty and I did years ago.


Sorry for the more serious version of the Captains [B]log. Next month's report I will have Zig back again to answer questions/security incident reports.

Out of Context Quote of the Week:

“Technically you can indeed save an ass as a pattern to use as a brush” — Herald Alaisy Tir’eivra

In closing, my personal goal for this RoS is to have Voidbreaker, as a team, score more points than any other Battleteam in the club. I, myself, am shooting for 100% completion, meaning I will do every single competition possible. Do you think we can do it? Only one way to find out. #LetsGo

If you need me, my inbox/PMs are always available: @raindbowdirewolf on Telegram / [Log in to view e-mail addresses].



That is my new favorite out of context quote.

We will do it! We will win it! We will be together within it!

Arcona!Arcona! Arcona!

Great report there Wally, love to see them participation numbers!

Great Lessons from the Master. Great Report Papi

VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Great report, and excellent pointers!

Let's efffin' GOOOOOOOOOOO, Voidbreakers!


(thank u for the guide)

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