Naga Sadow: December 2021


Naga Sadow: December 2021


New Sadow Temple
39 ABY

The Proconsul thumbed through the intel report, carefully processing his findings. The Inquisitorious are very detailed with their report findings. “The Adept should find this most intriguing,” Darkhawk mused to himself.

The Clan had been quiet over the last full moons of Sepros. Operations had been pretty day-to-day and tonight was the fourth such occasion that Sepros Minor was in full view, hovering over the temple like a beacon. The Adept has been engrossed in a search for *certain artifacts. He had been researching and cataloging his findings for the last two full cycles of those moons. *

Learning to utilize such old Sith magic and relics always garnered DarkHawk's attention as he immersed himself into their teachings. He became especially astute when Bentre acquired partial scrolls relating to the Trayas Academy.

Whilst Bentre was deep in the confines of his experiments, DarkHawk was able to allocate his full attention on completing one of the Consul’s assigned tasks. Not having to request authorizations, the assassin exhausted every possible effort to keep project status from the Consul. DarkHawk maintained a high level of discretion throughout, going so far as personally seeing to an engineer's untimely demise for insisting to brief Bentre of certain obstacles within the build itself. The incident was deemed a work related accident, however it irrefutably secured silence within the construction process.

Despite all this, this newest intel report is a cause for the Adept to raise a brow. DarkHawk was genuinely concerned at how the Consul would react should what his eyes were reading be accurate. In all its intensive purposes, Inquisitorious reports were notorious for being deadly accurate.

“No better time than now to get this to Bentre,” DarkHawk said.

Standing up from his chair, the loud squawk of the commlink sounded. The Sadowan Proconsul pressed a button on his desk’s control panel, answering the hail.

“This is the Proconsul,” DarkHawk said stoutly.

“Sir, you have an incoming Holonet message from engineering.”

“Affirmative, patch it through on the Summit secure channel," the Proconsul responded.

“Copy that. Switching over to the secure channel and transmitting now.”

DarkHawk opened the channel and the blue-hued image of a rather regal Mon Calamari Colonel dressed in a gray command suit appeared in front of him. Beside him stood a human female Commander, dressed in a science division uniform.

“Proconsul, the Commander and I would like to inform you that the facility is now one hundred percent online. We have approved our final walkthrough inspection and the first phase of fleet isochronal inspection was safely escorted into the facility earlier today. We await Summit’s arrival for final inspection.”

"That is excellent news, Colonel. You and the Commander’s superintendence of this facility has been phenomenal. I am sure the Consul will be pleased,” DarkHawk paused before speaking again. “The Consul and I will leave within the hour. Colonel, ready the escorts.”

*“As you wish, Proconsul.” *

*The Son of Sadow closed out the Holonet and headed out of his office with purpose. Activating his personal comlink, the Shaevalian instructed his ship be readied for departure. Making his way towards the Consul’s chambers, DarkHawk wondered what new discoveries Bentre would have discovered, the mere thought excited him. *

Entering the Consul’s chambers, DarkHawk could see the Correllian behind a stack of books thumbing through their pages. Multiple viewing screens illuminated the immediate area with a light cobalt hue.

He approached the Consul’s desk, stopping short before dropping to a knee. Moments passed and the Consul’s acknowledgement never arrived. DarkHawk looked up to see Bentre's attention still adhered to the books in front of him.

“My Liege,” DarkHawk's voice carried a tone of concern.

Bentre finally blinked, “DarkHawk, what can I do for you?”

The Shaevalian stood tall before speaking, “If I may your Adeptness, I believe I have some favorable news to show you.”

Bentre raised his eyes from his sooty covered book, “Let’s see it, my good man,” the Consul said curiously.

“Well sir, that is just it, I need to take you to it. I have my ship ready to depart immediately.”

Bentre had his legs kicked up on his desk, he let them fall to the floor with a loud thump. Sitting up in his chair, he folded his hands in front of his face. “And where exactly might you be taking your Consul?” Bentre questioned.

“Sir, the projects you tasked me with, I have just been informed that one is operational and ready for our final inspection," DarkHawk answered.

Bentre sat for a moment, *'Has it been that long?' he thought. The Consul shook the thought from his mind.*

“Ah yes, great news DarkHawk,” Bentre stood and gestured for the door, “Let us go see this marvel you've allocated so much of our resources toward.”

DarkHawk did his best to maintain a stoic expression as the two left the Consul’s chambers. “I may be distracted ol’ boy, but not enough not to notice how you complete my tasks.”

DarkHawk nodded to his Consul.

“You’re learning…good," Bentre stated, allowing a small smirk to grace his face.

Dentavii Asteroid Field
Orbit IV
Orian System

The Decimator broke out of hyperspeed as Tytus O'Baieron, the esteemed Duros pilot of the *Tãron pulled the throttles back on the ship’s hyperdrive control quadrant. Ellee, the ship’s pilot droid, sat to the left of the pilot in the copilot’s chair. The mechanical entity promptly activated the toggle switches on the copilots control panel, purging the ship of its excess gasses. Bursts of mists expelled out from the ship's pilot tubes, evaporating into the darkness of space.*

Just as Ellee deactivated the purging system the incoming transmission alarm blared throughout the flight deck.

Tãron, this is Commander Jyrss Eszu and Lieutenant Commander Kassava Lahil, we are here to escort you safely to the facility.”*

“Safely to the facility? Who the bloody hell does this tossa think he is dealing with!?” exclaimed Ellee.

“Easy lass, protocols and all,” Ty smoothly stated in his regal voice. Ellee turned her head and stared at the Duros. While brazenly holding a one fingered salute towards the flight deck’s main viewport.

“Commander, this is *Tãron. We read you loud and clear. We will follow your lead once we have visual,” replied Ty.*

“Coming up alongside your three o’clock” replied Commander Eszu. Two TIE/SF’s appeared in the flight deck’s starboard viewports.

The TIEs pulled ahead and began to enter the outskirts of the asteroid field first. Ty cinched up the seat’s safety harness, and told everyone to strap in.

Bentre pulled the harness over his seat and fastened it around him, giving a tug to the shoulder straps locking the inertia reel of the harness system. DarkHawk did the same then settled deeper into his seat.

The ships weaved in and out of rocks, spiraling and jinking clear of debris. The second pilot of each TIE worked to man their respective ship's turret and blasted rocks as they flew, clearing a path through the obstacles. As the ships trekked deeper into the asteroid field, the gravitational pull increased dramatically. Hurdling rocks in every direction, slamming them against one another, splintering them off into more deadly projectiles. Waves of reverberation stretched out and rocked the ships along their path.

The TIEs pulled up and over a corvette sized boulder, momentarily going out of sight. Ty ratcheted the throttles forward and pulled back on the yoke, yawing the ship to the right. Ty corkscrewed up and over the boulder, spiraling the ship downward lining up on the tail of the Lieutenant Commander’s ship.

Both Commanders made an immediate hard turn to port, barrel rolling upwards and away from colliding boulders. Ty ably maneuvered the Decimator on the same flight path as his escorts avoiding the major debris. From the stern of the ship the echo of small boulders careening off the ship's hull was nearly deafening. Ty continued to mimic the Commanders movements until their target came into sight.

Like the eye of a hurricane, the center of the storm is the calmest. There, hidden in the middle of the asteroid field, a 970 km (diameter) rock was their destination. The escort ships slipped back alongside the Decimator.

“Some nice flying Sir,” the Lieutenant Commander said. “We will be landing in hangar two, on the east side of the facility.”

“Roger that."

The facility’s command and control section cleared the incoming ships for landing. The ships banked around the facility and lined up for a direct approach. One of four enormous magnetic shield doors began to illuminate its landing lights and the ships entered. Ty sat the Decimator down on the LZ adorning the Naga Sadow symbol, while the two TIE’s landed beside the *Tãron.*

The Consul and his XO disembarked their transport, a small welcoming committee patiently waited to greet the Consul. A tall slender Mon Calamari Colonel, a human female Commander, and a Falleen Colonel comprised the committee.

The Mon Calamari was the first to greet the Consul.

“Consul, I am Colonel Pezol Drex, Chief Engineer for the facility. This is your Chief Science Officer Commander Carthia Braell. I would also like to introduce you to your security Commander, Colonel Gad Trask. We welcome you to your new repair facility,” the Mon Calamari said.

The two TIE pilots made their way from their ships, joining the welcoming committee. “Ah yes, I believe you have already met Commander Jyrss Eszu, callsign *'Viper' and Lieutenant Commander Kassava Lahill, callsign 'Peppa'. They command the Terrenes Ravagers,” said Colonel Drex. The Kal Dor Commander and Chiss Lieutenant Commander paid their respects to the Summit.*

Bentre strolled away from the party and took in the sight before him. He had been here years ago, when the facility had no heartbeat. A stagnant titan of a rock, lifeless in the middle of space. What the Consul saw before him now was a far cry from that baron image. Returning back to the awaiting entourage, Bentre directed his attention towards his Proconsul.

“DarkHawk, what I see so far is astonishing. Now I understand your discretion during this build. The Clan certainly will get its use out of this. Impressive," Bentre approved.

“Consul, with your permission, Commander Braell will give you a tour of the rest of the facility. I think you will be equally impressed,” said the Colonel.

“Before you take the Consul away, I need a moment of your time sir.”

DarkHawk and Bentre slithered over to the other side of the Decimator. “My apologies sir, I wanted to get this to you earlier. These are my recommendations for command personnel for the facility. The last one sir, you may want to take a close look at.” handing the Consul the three data files. Two had the names of personnel affixed to them, the third was labeled *Hydian Protocol: Refuge.*

Bentre opened the file and sifted through its beginning contents. An eyebrow raised, then there was both a level of marvel and resentment expressed by the Adept. “Who else knows of this?”

*“Just us sir," DarkHawk answered. *

“I will investigate this matter personally. Until then, silence is a virtue.”


The Dentavii Maintenance Facility – Pearl of the Asteroids

Hello CNS’ers

As you can see we have a new updated facility within the Clan. We received a tasker from the Regent in regards to our system. So the Boss had us take a look at our system, figure out what’s what, and correlate the Orian system as requested by the Regent. Then we looked at some things that had been underutilized. Well this and one other facility stood out to us, so we put together what we thought we needed.

We now have a fully functional repair facility for our fleet, and we have the Orian system within our Clan possessions. You can check it out here: Orian system

You can read all about the new facility here on the updated wiki: Dentavii Prime

We have some room for expansion so if you want to take a stab at coming up with moons or planets to add that can definitely be accommodated. I want to thank Anubis for being patient with me while I sorted out all the details. There were a lot of cool details about the planets and I learned a bit more about our system. I certainly hope you all enjoy the new stuff and the fiction. We are leading up to something VERY cool for Jan.

Moving Forward…

We have the plotline format mostly laid out, we are now piecing together the Boss’ story he had come up with. Looking towards helping piece it all together and jump start our ‘22. We would also like to thank Adept Sanguinius for his counsel through this whole process, he has been a constant sound board for us. We will always continue to require your counsel, especially this knuckledragger!

We hope that everyone enjoyed the November comp bin. We were going to do a December Life Day bin, but with all the comps going on this month, we figured it would be oversaturated. As such, we decided to push our next event to Jan and give us a bit more time with the story and get our ducks in a row.


Activity in Clan Naga Sadow

Well now let us see what we all have been up to for the last few weeks. Take a look at all this:

Adept Bentre Sadow

  • Co/Org’d 30 comps
  • Participated in 19 comps
  • 2 PVP/22 PVE matches
  • 3 Crescents w/Ruby stars
  • 3 PoB’s
  • 48 Clusters of Fire
  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • 200 Crescents of Earth

Adept Sanguinius Entar

  • Participated in 2 comps
  • 3 PvE matches
  • 27 courses graded - 2522 total courses graded!
  • 1 Crescent w/Diamond Star
  • 28 Clusters of Earth

Adept Malik Sadow

  • Co/Org’d 1 comp
  • Participated in 6 comps
  • 2 Crescents w/Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescents w/Sapphire Star
  • 2 Crescents w/Emerald Star

Warlord Malisane Sadow

  • Co/Org’d 3 comps
  • Participated in 7 comps
  • 1 Amazing ACC Battle -
  • 9702 words of fiction
  • 2 Crescents w/Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent w/Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 26 Clusters of Ice

Augur Locke Sonjie

  • Co/Org’d 1 comp
  • Participated in 2 comps
  • 3 PvE matches
  • 1 Crescent w/Diamond Star
  • 28 Clusters of Earth

Warlord Tasha Vel’Versea (Not Vel’Cersea!!! That pesky closeness of the C & V key!)

  • Co/Org’d 3 comps
  • Participated in 9 comps
  • 11 PvE matches
  • 1 ACC match -
  • 2 Crescents w/Amethyst Star
  • 23 Clusters of Fire
  • 4 Clusters of Ice
  • 82 Clusters of Earth

Warlord Pel Tarentae

  • Participated in 1 comp

Warlord Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow

  • Co/Org’d 1 comp
  • Participated in 4 comps
  • 1 Crescent w/Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescents w/Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent w/Emerald Star

Warlord DarkHawk Sadow

  • Co/Org’d 4 comps
  • Participated in 12
  • 3532 words of fiction
  • 1 Crescent w/Diamond Star
  • 1 Crescent w/Ruby Star
  • 4 Crescents w/Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescents w/Sapphire Star
  • 7 Clusters of Ice 2 Clusters of Graphite

Augur Raistlin Sadow

  • Participated in 7 comps
  • 1 PvE match
  • 1 Crescent w/Ruby Star
  • 2 Crescents w/Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent w/Sapphire Star
  • 8 Clusters of Earth
  • 8 Clusters of Graphite

Mystic Kristeva

  • 1 ACC match
  • 3 Clusters of Ice

Hunter QuintenSadows

  • Participated in 10 comps
  • 1 Crescent w/Ruby Star
  • 4 Crescents w/Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescents w/Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent w/Emerald Star
  • 1 Dark Cross

Acolyte Annika Anthos

  • Participated in 1 comp
  • Completed 1 SA course

Neophyte Taaj Veg

  • Participated in 1 comp
  • Completed 17 SA courses
  • Gained 3 degrees

Very nice everyone! It is nice to see a couple of the new folks getting their names up on the board! Keep that up! If you wanna snag some more comps, there are a lot of cool ones for your holiday breaks to dive into. Take a few moments for yourselves and knock a few out and rack up those shiny’s!

Dark Brotherhood Comps page: Dark Jedi Brotherhood Competitions Page

Also, make sure you jump on over and partake in Quaestor Malisane Sadow’s competition: Competition: Trading Places - Dark Jedi Brotherhood



Some good reads in here make sure you check them out. More new species, and a ton of new toys from jolly ol’ Sithmas Claus were added to our database! Digging our new additions for sure!

From the Office of the Regent:

Some very in depth and detailed new info! Verse yourselves, this is really great news for us and we have some killer upgrades.

From the Office of the FIST:

From the Office of the Headmistress:

From the Office of the VOICE:


A Word From The Overlord

Hey folks. This report has been a bit different as I tasked our resident Batman to write it up, but there were a couple of things that I figured that I would go ahead and bring up on my own. For one, this year has been a bit of a rough one for many of us. We try to make this community an enjoyable place for all of you, and I hope that you all find it a relaxing place to be. I have said it before in reports, if anyone has anything they would like to add or suggest for the Clan to enrich the experiences of themself or others, I welcome the input. That is still true. Heh, actually I have a recent suggestion for the Clan that I am working with Proconsul Takagari to implement pretty much right now.

Another thing that I did want to at least touch upon was that we are considering how to fictionally revive the Blackguard, to be a more useful tool to, it is hard sometimes trying to think of how to not corpo-speak this...

We want to make the Blackguard something that is more inclusive? Okay, maybe hat isn't quite the right word. However, there will be some changes coming soon (watch for a January report) explaining how the Black Guard will be changing. I can say, that for those of you who are title holders, you will no longer be out of the running to hold a post. A lot of the ground work is in my head, and getting it to paper without spoiling the whole lot is a bit hard, so I think that I will leave you with that. I think that together, with what we have planned, we can help add some bragging rights to members new and old where the Order of the Black Guard is concerned.

As ever, I did want a chance to let all of you know how much I appreciate you. I enjoy the chats in our Discord channel- really all over our Discord server- and there are times when this club can be a real bright spot in a rather bleak world. You all make it that bright spot. No amount of medals, or promotions, or words of affirmation could even start to calculate or describe your worth, or the impact that each of you holds. I hope that as we wrap up this year, and head into the next that all of you will continue to help make this Clan and club a wonderful place.

And now, I think I am getting a little long in the tooth, so I think that I will hand the report back to Darkhawk. Stay awesome, CNS.



Final Thoughts

Well folks, we are just a few short weeks away from Christmas. I hope that you all have some fun and excitement planned out with friends and family. Take the time to enjoy the time together. Eat, drink and be merry. Most of all enjoy the company this holiday season. I know we have restrictions and mandates, put all that aside,and just enjoy your loved ones. I hope Santa brings you shiny new lightsabers and cool ships to fly around in. Lastly, Summit would like to thank you all for your continued support. Huge kudos to the Clan over the last month!

As always if I have forgotten anything please let me know so I can add it to the report. Very proud of everyone!

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war ~ General Norman Schwarzkopf

The horizon brings a new threat. Ready yourselves Sadowans…

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Proconsul, Clan Naga Sadow
Overlord, Clan Naga Sadow

Nice report by you both. Good things happening over there in CNS.

Nice report!

raises glass

To a great new year, CNS!

Awesome report, Bentre!

Good report! You guys have been busy. Love to see it!

And having the star system in possessions is pretty neat. Finally, all those moons of Inos are categorized.


So today is only my third day within the DJB. However i can see that u all have an epic thing going here. Im looking foreword to being an active part of This community and the darkness for 2022.

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