HSD Quaestor Report #4 - Disciples of Dakhan and GJW


HSD Quaestor Report #4 - Disciples of Dakhan and GJW



Hello HSD, welcome to my fourth monthly report as Quaestor.

We have some exciting news coming for you this time around! We’ve been working hard to create something new that I am sure you guys will enjoy.

Every report I will highlight a topic that I believe stands out from others. This month we will have two feature topics, as both of them are extremely important for the near future of our House. The first one is, as it was last time around, the upcoming Great Jedi War. The second is the changes to the structure of our house, namely the Battleteams.


Great Jedi War XII

We’re less than a month away from the start of the Great Jedi War, and the hype is real. There is one thing that I must stress. Each and every member of the Clan counts toward overall standings in a Great Jedi War. What this means is that the total number of participations will be compared to the total number of active members on the Clan roster. This further means that your participation means the world to our Clan. I urge you all to take notice of this, and to do your best to make your Clan proud!

For many of us this will be the first ever Great Jedi War. For those unfamiliar with the concept, I suggest you read through this and this, but in short, it is a Club-wide vendetta with massive participation and awesome prizes for placement. It is one of the rare occasions where you can earn Novae, custom gear for your character, and many more things.

One of the events has already started, the first phase of the ACC event is live. This is an official GJW event, so make sure to participate!


Battleteam changes

Exit Devil’s Shroud, enter Disciples of Dakhan.

In order to bring excitement to our members, we’ve decided to change up a few things with how the Battleteam will function. We are officially closing down Battleteam Devil’s Shroud and opening a new, elite Battleteam called Disciples of Dakhan.


Disciples of Dakhan

The Disciples of Dakhan are the best of the best that the House has to offer. There will be set requirements to enter the Battleteam, as well as to stay a member of it. Those requirements are ten competitions participated and at least two Crescents of any rank obtained each month. Now, you might be asking yourself “Why would I go through the trouble? I get everything I want even if I am not in the BT.”

In order to motivate participation and the competitive spirit needed to enter this Battleteam, we have decided to open activities that are exclusive to members of the Disciples of Dakhan.

The first one is a ranking system (keep in mind this is an unofficial ranking system that can be used in Official Clan lore, but not as an official rank in the DJB as a whole). You will find more information about rank requirements on the BT wiki page, courtesy of our very own Marcus Kiriyu.

The second exclusive thing will be a recurring monthly competition some of you should be familiar with (ACB) that allows you to take personal missions of a chosen type (Assassination, recon, infiltration, demolition, etc) which you will be sent on by the Summit. More information about this will be available once the competition details are set up. Considering the GJW is upcoming and all competitions are on hold starting Aug. 1st, this will start after the GJW has completed.

We are aware that this is a period of calm before the storm that is the GJW, so apart from the name, things will be unchanged until August 1st, the starting date of the Great Jedi War. From then on, the House Summit will be keeping tabs on activity and maintaining the roster of the Battleteam.



The Clanwide event, Abominations (courtesy of our fellow clanmates Macron and Darkhawk), is over! Congratulations to all participants, but most of all to our PCON, Bentre, who snagged first place away from me, as well as our Consul. Sanguinius, for taking third place.


The Harrowing (ACC)

For those of you that do not know, there is an ongoing ACC Tournament to decide the CNS representative for the ACC event planned for the Great Jedi War. I’ve had a lot of fun reading the completed battles, and the fact CNS has so many talented writers is simply wonderful. Congratulations to Aul and Locke for making it into the finals. The final battle is awaiting judgement, and we shall know our victor and representative shortly!



This month’s Aexodcookie goes to Savant Marcus Kiriyu, a well known, returning member to the Clan! Marcus would not be Marcus if he didn’t engage himself in projects to benefit the Clan in some way. His latest contribution is the Disciples of Dakhan wiki page, as well as the update on our House wiki. Glad to have you back, buddy.


Final Words

Great. Jedi. War. BRING IT!

Yours faithfully,


You're welcome! Kinda curious to see if this change to the BT's will pay off! Good luck!

And epic posts from both Locke and Aul! :D

I'm also curious to see how the BT thing will work out. It's an innovative idea with potential. Nice report!

Im pretty sceptic. any reason why its just for HSD and not proposed for a single BT like Plag has for example? The whole idea of a battleteam was the "lets newbies get their feet wet into comps blabla" but that hardly panned out, specially for CNS. So why all the sudden a shift to the "elite" where most likely 3 members will ever compete against each other. The ones who are already active will stay active and do their comps etc, yet "competition" is hardly a CNS thing. Why do you believe this will actually increase activity?

I think you have ruined your house and the members with your new Battleteam. Whooptydo you get a cute title for being in it. People who don't place are booted? That's damn near impossible at the best of times. Not to mention there are rarely 10 comps a month worth doing! And you have probably killed one of your most hard working BTLs chances at a degree because of this notion. Sorry, this is a mistake. You want your elite? Fine. Keep the Shroud for those people who participate when RL let's them and want to.

Nice report, Aexod!

For the rest of the DJB who may be dropping in to this report, it should be noted we had a nice, constructive talk after the release of this report about our own opinions on the battle team stuff :)

The opinions are strong.

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