House Mortis Quaestor Report #1


House Mortis Quaestor Report #1

House Mortis Report


Welcome to my first report as not only a Quaestor of House Mortis but as a Quaestor in general. A little bit about myself before I kick off proceedings. I’m Max, most people on here call me either Mel or Meleu though. I have been part of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for around a year and a half and I feel very lucky to be given my first real leadership test; thanks to Raiju, Farrin and Beef for that.

Due to a resurgence in Tarentum Momentum, we have gone from approximately 20 members to 40 members in a matter of months. We have seen the return of numerous veteran members of Tarentum, we have been re-clanned thanks to Grand Master Pravus and a change in leadership within Tarentum’s summit. As a result, we were able to create a House, a basis to launch the new Tarentum from. I am lucky to be joined by Etah d’Tana as my Aedile, a veteran member of the Brotherhood.

In this report I will outline the structure of Mortis, fictional development for the House, a few projects up for grabs and the Faction system.

Introductory Fiction

A small disc streaked across the sky of Yridia II and made a small splash as it made contact with the water and submerged. This was the first group of people to arrive on the Planet Yridia II since the great conflict. The world stood barren and empty, in most ways useless to the modern Clan Tarentum. But to the Aedile of the House Mortis, this was the most important world in the system.

The hatch of the shuttle hissed open. The group of figures inside stood individually and then shuffled slowly toward the exit. Etah was the first person out of the shuttle. He gazed into the sky and saw only black and it made him shiver. It wasn’t just being underwater, it was also the blackened sky that blocked out the sun and moon and stars. Whatever killed the core of the planet also blanketed the surface of the planet in darkness.

This planet was alone, dead and desolate. On Yridia II a million lives lived in terror and then were snuffed out violently, creating a wound in the force. That wound caused this planet to reek of death, of loss, of pain. The reverberations would scare most, but they made Etah feel alive. He breathed in deeply, imbibing the stench of a sea that no longer possessed tides to move it.

The Aedile stalked in front of the group, lightsaber in hand. He walked in front of the Quaestor ready to slice anything that might jump out at the group, no matter how unlikely that was. Any predators would have been long dead, and any thieves likely wouldn’t have made it into the Castle Tarentum alive. But Etah was vigilant anyway, just in case.

Meleu cocked forward and gestured his hands forward, silently ordering the rest of the House to move head of Etah. A dozen or so figures spanned out and moved forward to reoccupy castle Tarentum.

“Welcome home Tarentum,” Meleu said as he stepped through the door leading to the main audience chamber.

Fictional Development

As you can tell from the fiction above, House Mortis will be based on Castle Tarentum, a near impenetrable fortress based on Yridia II. Yridia II is important to us as a House and due to our Necromancy background and our nickname the “House of Death”, it is obvious that a planet full of death, pain and lifeless souls is pretty useful. One problem we encountered when deciding this was that Castle Tarentum may be a very hard fortress to breach, but without any sort of defensive units or armour, it would be easy to take over.

Consequently, Farrin & co. decided it would be a good idea to assign us a small portion of the Tarentum Army as well as a small piece of the Navy.

We have been given access to the BAC Doomsday which means we can also use the four squadron of starfighters. In terms of ground units, the Tarentum Security Directorate has been reassigned to Castle Tarentum, it has several squadrons of infantry, special forces, snipers as well as a bunch of speeders. To see the exact information, refer to the wiki work section below where I have listed the pages that I have updated.

Wiki Work

Something that has been pushed ever since I joined Tarentum back in February is wiki work. Unfortunately, it hasn’t taken off and barely even touched, only minor updates in leadership templates etc. There is a lot of work to do and now there are a lot of people to do it, a lot of active people as a matter of fact. Personally, I have been on the wiki staff for almost a year now so you can say that I am a big advocate for improve the wiki as a whole and I believe that fixing the Tarentum pages will help that. Remember, wikis were made for community editing and information sharing and that is exactly what we want to achieve, we can’t do that with outdated pages.

To kickstart this all, I have been on a little editing spree myself, here’s a list of pages that I have updated to include important information that I covered in the Fictional Development section of the report.

If you would like to help, email myself and Etah, there are plenty of things that need doing so don’t be shy! Remember, you are also free to just edit the wiki, not just Tarentum pages, you don’t need permission.

Tarentum Competitions

We all know that Reanimated is in its final phase, I promise this will be the last reminder you get, from me at least! Here is a link to the main competition.

Don’t forget that the Order of the Trident have competitions running too! Click here to find the main competition for the five sub-competitions.


Factions is a new system we have put in place in Tarentum. The first of which is the Order of the Trident, led by Ranarr Kul and patronised by Pel. Factions are slightly different from Battle Teams and whilst on the outside each faction is labelled as a “Battle Team”, they are different. Fictionally, the Battle Team Leader is chosen by the Patron of the unit, in the case we already have, that is Pel. Pel funds the faction and in return, they follow his ideologies and he oversees the general operation of the faction but does not lead the Battle Team.

Over time we will expand, currently the Order of the Trident are dark-sided but we will be opening units of grey paths too. These won’t be put under Mortis; Mortis is the “House of Death”, thus it would be weird for a grey unit to be attached.

Closing Words

Thanks for reading my report, sorry for the lack of report banners but they will be sorted as soon as possible. As for report schedules, I will be releasing a report every month as will Etah, separately. We will be releasing these reports every two weeks, on a Monday.

Any questions, feel free to email me or message me on Telegram, I am usually around evening time.

I also know that a few of you will be having doubts about my ability as a leader and possibly my activity but I aim to quash these doubts over the next few months.

Sith Battlemaster Meleu Karthdo (Sith) / M:DGM-QUA-Wiki-DOC / House Mortis of Clan Tarentum [GMRG: V] [SA: X] [ACC: Q]

I finally get to patronize someone, and they aren't annoyed by it!

Great report! And Pel, you've been doing that to us for years. :P

No doubts here... Mortis has a Quality Quaestor.

Nice first QUA report, Meleu!

Thanks for the timely report, Meleu! You're off to a great start. :)

Noice Report!

Thanks everyone, expect more from me in the coming weeks x

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