[April Fools] - GMRG Advancement for Puzzles and Single Player Activities


[April Fools] - GMRG Advancement for Puzzles and Single Player Activities


Puzzle Comps Now Award GMRG Progress!

Looking at the GMRG we noticed there was a lack of opportunities for advancement in the society through solo activities. Puzzle competitions are a popular archetype for competitions and they currently do not directly advance any society so now puzzle competitions will advance GMRG society rank. Puzzle competitions and single-player gaming competitions will advance GMRG rank according to the chart below:


The Fist staff is currently evaluating our current platforms to award clusters for selected single-player milestones. More to follow on that in the near future.



Get out there and solve some puzzles!

Rajhin Cindertail aka Turel

Fist of the Brotherhood


At last. Real viability for the GMRG.

Hooray! Reiden wins the GMRG!

Oh! Sounds interesting, look forward to the future updates.

Better have trophies titled "The Puzzler"

rubs hands together I've been training my whole life for this.

I gotta step my puzzle game up.


And so the gmrg puzzle meta begins


thank goodness this got posted on the 31st, wouldn't have believed it otherwise

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