Dark Brotherhood Alchemy Guide Released!


Dark Brotherhood Alchemy Guide Released!

I am happy to announce the release of the Dark Brotherhood Alchemy Guide (Project DBAG). This is the in-character guide to alchemy in the Brotherhood, and is done in the vein of 'the Book of the Sith' and 'the Jedi Path'. There's another similar guide coming out soonish, so keep your eyes peeled for that. If you are at all interested in the subject, please click through to https://alchemyguide.darkjedibrotherhood.com/ to check it out. The PDF is a bit large (45mb!), so please give it a moment to load in. You should be able to download it from gdocs for offline viewing, also.

Big thanks to the team: Macron, Maelous Ascarend and Rhiann Baenre.



Hell yes! :) Thanks for all your hard work, everyone.

very nice or as the kids say NOICE!

This is really cool.

So glad to see this done! It looks awesome!

This kicks a large amount of ass, nice job guys!

That's one huge dbag.

Macron: Get a new pen.

This is so super amazing. I'm glad you guys didn't miss the opportunity to run with Project DBAG as the title. :P

Incredible work guys. I'm very impressed.

Nice job, guys! It looks like it was a ton of work, and the presentation is impression. I look forward to reading it.

Nice work and nice art!

Looking nice. Great work all involved.

@ A'lora: I didn't pick that out, but it does look like mad Alchemist scribbles. :)

Oh man. Rhi, your art is love in this. I know I saw some of it, but holy hell.

Well done, team. This thing is perfect.

Holy. %^&*

Again. Holy. %^&. That thing is %^&ing awesome.


Oh god. Muz's handwriting is so silky! Why can't I write like that? :/

So... it looks awesome... but I can't read it... is there a less fancy font version?

Noice indeed! This thing is epic in writing and graphics. The hard work shows

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