Obelisk High Commander Report


Obelisk High Commander Report

  1. Yes, I'm still on these damned lab computers at school for my only internet access. This means a few things. No, I can't play any games online. No, I can't modify site stuff as quickly although I have built an upload feature for the GMRG and Obelisk sites. I'm usually on around 3 hours M-F now starting around 4 PM EST. Anyways onto other stuff.

  2. There will be a JK2 tourney tomorrow as usual. Settings are full force sabers 1v1 and will take place in #obelisk at 3 PM EST. Check in for more details.

  3. In light of that tourney information, there will be another weekly tourney in #obelisk. It will take place on Wednesdays at about 8 PM EST (subject to change on the time). I'll post something closer to that date to let you know the settings and the exact starting time. Hope to see you all there.

  4. Obelisk site is having a recoding for more improvements and additions. Please check in often for important news as I'm not gonna post everything on djb.org. You can find it at http://www.hephaestusdesigns.com/obelisk/news.php.

  5. As mentioned on the Obelisk site I'm taking feedback from everyone about JK2 stuff. Check the site for more details.

  6. If you'd like to host a regularly scheduled (weekly) MP competition let me and Yacks know. Go to http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=63&sid=73eca5f2130c6dbd2280aa160b8af369 for more details.

  7. Whew that's a long one. Last item on the agenda is no bitching at me for no reason (I know bitching is fun, but limit it damnit! :P), which also means no bitching if you're ignorant about the subject, and stay cool.

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