Consul Report


Consul Report

--* Clan Taldryan Report *--

March 27, 2001

--==* Contents

==*Important Clan Announcements

*Consul Reports

*New Ektrosis Quaestor

*New Ektrosis Aedile

*New Dinaari Aedile *==

==*Competition Crap

*JRDC#1 Results

*Rename VSD Suckyname Competition

==*Policy and Procedure Announcements

*Clan Taldryan Domain Update

*Big Poppa Jac's Personal Policy changes

*IRC Junk *==

==*Promotions and Medal awards

This is for added suspense....hahahah...we have 4 promos==

==*New Members

*Grrrr...lousy fricken Database *==

==*Dark Brotherhood News

*Crap from the Holocron *==

==*Reports From the Past Week



*Archanis *== *==--

--Important Clan Announcements--

--==*Consul Reports

What is up my little Ninjas?!? It's your lovely Consul, Grand Master Jac Cotelin

here to give you a little insight on what the coolest g-funk hoie dog of the entire

universe (save Yux) is doing. And yes, I meant me.

I am back up at school now with everything set and ready to go for my last quarter

of the year. My schedule is quite nice this time. I have classes from 8:30 until

12:30 and that's it. I should be available most of the time between 1:00 and midnight,

save a few distractions here and there. It may take me a day or two to really

get into the swing of things here, so fyi....

Which, that is why my report is a day late (so sue me)....I have been on the stay

up till 3 - sleep till noon schedule for about 3 months now and need to get used

to waking up early. I fell asleep at like 5 yesterday and didn't get up till the

next report from Jaccy...

Yeah yeah yeah...I know you could all really care less, so I'll get on with it...

We had a great week last week boys and girls. I was really encouraged by the ammount

of e-mails I recieved and the ammount of enthusiasm I saw from the general membership.

We'll get Taldryan back up and running in no time!!!*==--

--==*New Ektrosis Quaestor

I would like to begin by saying thank you to everyone who applied for the position

of Quaestor of House Ektrosis. It was a hard decision to make, as everyone who

applied was an excelent candidate.

The new Quaestor for Ektrosis is Krath Priest Ravnos Nottingham! Congrats!!

I expect a lot of great activity to sprout from Ravnos.....look for great things

to come!! *==--

--==*New Ektrosis Aedile

As posted from Yacko's announcement of the positions:

"As Nott's promotion from Aedile, left Aedile open, we also found is necessary

to appoint an Aedile. We went over this with the favoured candidate from the applications

we recieved, and our congratulations go out to Meshuggah "Blitz" Blitzkrieg!

Congratulations to both on their promotions, and I look forward to making you

my bitc... my dedicated slav... subordinates :)

Nott, Blitz, your first order of business should be to get acquainted with

your houses, and get some sort of small competition or run-on going. I'll be

contacting you both with a bit of a pet project that I have in mind for the


-PCON, and Grand High Imperial Pimp, SBL Keirdagh Cantor"

Congratulations to you also, Blitz!!! You and Ravnos have my full confidence

that you'll get the job done!! *==--

--==*New Dinaari Aedile

After last week's appointment of Kir Katarn to Quaestor of House Dinaari, we

have had time to deliberate and decide on an AED for Dinaari. As Kir announced

earlier this week: Congratulations Sharad Hett on your appointment!!!

Sharad and Kir will be working closely together to revamp Dinaari and bring

back the Obelisk Power.

__--==*Competition Crap

--==*Jac's Really Dumb Competition #1 results!!!

If you didn't participate in this, you are a lazy bastard.

Last week's competition was the following:

***I am thinking of a number of Light Jedi I am going to kill between 1 and

  1. If you can come closest to guessing the number of Light Jedi I'm going

to kill you will have the honor of being Clan Taldryan's Pimp Doggie G-Funk

Brotha of the Week!***

The following people participated in the competition. If your name isn't on

this list you need to step it up (and if I missed bad): Blitz, JBean,

Arion, Raist, Jae, Crix, Tally, Korhall, Incan, Betja, Yux, Kir, Zedder, Depriest,

Ghost, Kermee, Bubbs, Khan, Lannie, Werdna LB, Shadowhawk, Ninja, Myotis, Sharad,

Roth Jalis....

Now....We had some interesting theories as to the number I guessed......but...There

were actually 3 people that got it dead on....:-)

The number of light Jedi I wanted to kill was 69....hahahahahaha....soooo..I

have to split the award 3 ways....

Yacko: Since you are already a Pimp, you are now The Taldryan G-Funk Brotha

of the week!

Blitz: You are the Taldryan Hom-Doggie Brotha of the week!

Jae: You are the Talryan Pimp Brotha of the week!

I'm keeping track of who gets what with these and constant participation and

wins will get reward!

Congrats all and thanks for playing....tomorrow I will be announcing the next

JRDC!! *==--

--==*Rename the VSD SuckName Competition

Well, we are going to try and rename the VSD SuckyName. Since Zoraan was an

ass and didn't let us rename it before, we'll see if Fae will let us do it.

(hahah...we don't even know what the real name is)

We need ideas! So until sunday April 1st, Yacko and I will be taking entries.

Winner will recieve a medal!

__--==*Policy and Procedure Announcements

--==*Clan Taldryan Domain Update

Woohoo!! We have a domain!!!! YEEEEEHAAAA!!!

Yacko and I are currently working on updating the page and we should see progress

soon! Virtual domains for,, and have also been set up and will be up soon! *==--

--==*YourName @!!!

I keep on discovering nifty little thing about the hosting service I hired.

Evidently I'm allowed unlimited ammounts of forwarding addresses.

What does this mean?

This means YOU can get a [Log in to view e-mail addresses] address that will forward mail

to your current account!

How do you get this?

Just hit reply and tell me your name...hahahah

current addys: Blitz, Bubbles, CG, Cotelin (that's me), crix,

depriest, ghost, jbean, kir, marcus, raistlin, ravnos, sharad, times.

IMPORTANT!! If you want to send something to the Taldryan Times you can now

just use [Log in to view e-mail addresses] *==-

--==*Big Poppa Jac's Personal Policy changes

Nothin this week.... *==--

--==*IRC Junk

I want to encourage all members to get on IRC more. I have been trying to be

on most of the day everyday (except the past few bad). IRC, as has

been said before, is the best way to get ahold of everyone and the best way

to socialize. Please join us in #Taldryan!! *-- *--__

__--==*Promotions and Medal awards

The Damn database is still gone....but we got some promos anyway!

These were announced earlier:

DJK Sharad Hett has been promoted to OW!!! Congratulations Sharad!

GRD JBean has been promoted to JH!! Go JB!

And the new promos!:

Dark Jedi Knight Crix Madine is hereby promoted to Sith Warrior!! You've been

doing great Crix! Keep it up!

Sith Warrior Jeff "Tiger"Loruss is hereby promoted to Sith Battlemaster!

Tiger is a workhorse and has done great with Archanis so far! Keep up the great


My congrats all!!!*==--

__--==*New Members

--==*Grrrr...lousy fricken Database

The Damn database is still gone....can't get new members till it's up really...sorry

boys and girls *==--

__--==*Dark Brotherhood News

I'm pulling the good stuff out of the Holocron for this....if you want to full

Holocron, check you mail...hehehe

"We have registered a domain, and it is set up on a server...

was the entry we decided on. Congratulations go out to DJK Shadowhawk, who receives

a Dark Cross (or upgrade) for her suggestion! Do NOT continue to submit names

for the contest, as it is obviously over! :)

There has been some discussion with Lord Jac about an "Assembly of Consuls".

This is being discussed by myself and DGM Astatine, and with some slight modifications,

it looks like it may come into being. More on this as it develops.

A DSC mirror is available at

It's slightly out of date, so don't take it as gospel. *GM's NOTE: This problem

was remedied, and the DSC at this address is completely up-to-date*

The following summit appointments were made this past week:

KAP Mejas Doto (Krath)/CON/Satal Keto

** ORACLE AND DARK VOICE UPDATE [From Grand Master Khyron] **


The Dark Voice is scheduled to be released by next weekend! Don't miss out...

be a part of DB history by submitting your treasures and talents to the Dark


I need submissions and ideas now! Send in the following:

  • Graphics

  • Stories

  • Programs

  • Game add-ons and extras (i.e. JK skins, etc)

  • Suggested regular column (if you would like to host a regular column)

  • Special articles

  • Interviews

  • Ideas for special segments you'd like to see

  • Anything else you think would be appropriate!

Send in as much as you can! Remember, "content is king" :)

Guidelines for submitting:

email ALL submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Include your name, email, ID line (or that information for the work's author

if not you)

Deadline: Friday, midnight"

__--==*Reports From the Past Week


As e-mails from Quaestor Jeff Loruss:


SW Jeff Loruss

Weekly QUA Report- #3

W/E 03.18.01

1.) News-

2.) Promotions-

3.) COMP –Status

4.) Activity Levels-

5.) Comp Ideas-

6.) House Roster-

7.) House Squad Rosters-

1.) <NEWS>

Ok folks I know this mailing is early but I thought why not kill two birds with

one stone. I know there are a few members of this house that are anxious to

learn who will be the next AED. First of all I want to say thank you to all

who applied and that by no means if you did not get the position of AED doea

that not mean you are not an important member of Archanis. On the contrary you

are the backbone of Archanis and will be the ones to help the house out the

most when the time comes to take our place as the best Sith house in the DB.

The AWOL is over also so expect some sort of new comp to commence very soon.

2.) <Promos>Ok our new AED is DJK Shadowhawk. I know that she will contribute

very much to this house to help make it the most active one in the DB.

Now you say well that leaves CV open- No it doesn't I have asked DJK Smitroc

cced on this mailing to step in as CMDR of CV I know he will help us rebuild

the squad and make it a very hard to beat XvT squad.

Hyperion Flight is already taken by DJK Jae K`Sunis.

This leaves SM wide open for a CMDR- I will on down the report state I want

from my Command staff members before everyone starts applying for the spot :P

Now I guess all Promos and medal Rec's need to be held until the new database

is up so that’s what I will do :P I will just add to this section as we

go. I am looking at the roster and deciding who else needs a Promo so I will

be adding as time goes by :P

This week I have one Promo- it goes to PRT Predator-I am holding this until

after the 10th when the MAA comes back.

So pending Approval PRT Predator you are hereby promoed to GRD.

He has shown himself to be the most active PRT I have had mail me anything :P

he sends me ideas and mails me all his battles he fly’s I currently have

a folder named Pred in my outlook express J

If you think you need a promo mail me.This goes for anyone in the house.

3.) Comp Status- Well I have had a couple people send them in I know there

are more of you out there get to flyin these how hard can it be to fly this

and send it in :P

I will hold all Medal Recs until the database comes bak. If you have won this

in previous months and have not gotten the medal for it then mail me and I will

check my records to make sure I have you there.

The new battles for this month are-




4.) Ok Activity levels to be a member of the Command Staff of house Archanis-

1.) You must be willing to spend time either training online with your pilots

or helping them learn more of the game platform that you are in charge of. Since

you will as the CMDR of one of our Great Battleteams.

2.) you must know the platfrom of the squad at least to the point that if

a member asks you a question you can answer or know a way to find the answer


3.) Reports yes I will require short reports at least on the activities of

the members of your squad. This will be outlined later on the house roster.

Which will go towards being AWOLED or not from the house.

4.) You will also per a suggestion from one of my applicants for AED be allowed

to REC for medals and promos. I think that this is very important and can only

help me out in the long run.

I think that for now that will do if something does need to be added then

I will do so.

Please remember that if you are a current CMDR of one of the battle teams you

can always resign it. I don't think that this is a lot of extra work. But then

again I do a lot for the DB and the TC so that’s how that works :P

5.) Comp Ideas- Ok here were all the suggestions I got for Comp IDEAS so am

idea I will use to help people get promos is for you to mail me with one or

more Comp ideas if they are good enough I will prob promo you :P good way to

get an easy promo J

1)Fiction writing-1

2.)Weekly XvT-XWA Comp-WR for each win and a SC for the overall winner for


6.) House Roster- Ok this will be the roster that is submitted or will be the

final Roster Cept for smit who I need to add. Smit mail me with your full DB

IDLINE so I can add you to this roster.

House Archanis of Taldryan

House Information:

Clan: Clan Taldryan


Motto: We're too hot for hell, and too cold for heaven.

Message Board:

Order: Sith

Quaestor: Jeff Loruss [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Aedile: ShadowHawk {[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

House Roster: 20 Members




Dark Jedi Master


[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Side Adept


[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Marcus Constantine Augustus, III

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


William "MiSFiT" Flechette

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Jeff Loruss

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight

Crix Madine III

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight


[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight

Jae K`Sunis

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight


[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight


[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight

Werdna Elbee

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Hunter


[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Hunter

Roth Jalis

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]



[Log in to view e-mail addresses]



[Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Algaron Xerves

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]



[Log in to view e-mail addresses]



[Log in to view e-mail addresses]



[Log in to view e-mail addresses]



[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

House Battle-Teams:

Team: Crimson Vanguard CMDR- DJK Smitroc

Team: Shadowmorph CMDR- TBA

Team: Hyperion Flight CMDR - DJK Jae K`Sunis

7.) House Squadron Rosters- Battle Team CMDR's mail your pilots from this roster

and have them check in with you to make sure they wish to stay in that squad.

All house members mail me if you wish to join a squad. Just tell me the platfrom

you wish to fly and I will place you. From there the CMDR will choose his FL's


ShadowMorph-CMDR TBA

1-1 TBA

1-2 SBL Marcus

1-3 ACO Myotis

1-4 TBA

2-1 DJK Crix

2-2 TBA

2-3 TBA

2-4 TBA

3-1 JH Roth

3-2 TBA

3-3 TBA

3-4 TBA

Crimson Vanguard-CMDR DJK Smitroc

1-1 DJK Smitroc

1-2 JH Aylius Khan

1-3 SW Jeff Loruss

1-4 TBA

2-1 DJK Darkfenn

2-2 DJM Corrupt

2-3 ACO DemosThenes

2-4 TBA

3-1 TBA

3-2 PRT Slasher

3-3 JH Ninja

3-4 TBA

Hyperion Flight CMDR-DJK Jae

1-1 DJK Jae

1-2 TBA

1-3 ACO Astarosta

1-4 TBA

2-1 TBA

2-2 DA Depriest

2-3 TBA

2-4 TBA

3-1 TBA

3-2 TBA

3-3 TBA

3-4 TBA

That’s all for the report if I missed something mail me.

Thank you for your Attention.

WC/COL Jeff "Tiger" Loruss/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger



Spectre Advanced Missile Boat "Tiger's Claw"

SW Jeff Loruss(Sith)/P:SHW/AED/Archanis of Taldryan GC/SC-SoP/WR-PM(BNB) {SA:DfSS}


"Death Becomes my Enemies"" *==--


As posted by QUA Ravnos:

"-- House Ektrosis Report --

Howdy folks!

Since I'm the Acting QUA I'm expected to make a House Report, so... here it

is. Hope you guys like the format! =P

-- House News --

  • Arion's Resignation

This week our Quaestor, Arion, announced his resignation due to RL matters.

As you well know, he's been pretty busy with marriage plans and school work...

he'll stay around though, and will make some noise every now and then on our

mailing list. =)

  • Website

Ekky's new website isn't up yet due to technical matters. However, since it'll

be moving to our Clan's domain, it should be online by next week.

-- Clan News --

  • Taldryan Domain

Our Clan now has it's own domain! Right now it only has a disclaimer page, but

the building/uploading process will start this Monday. Its address is,

and our house's website will be hosted in there too, with the following URL: Again, uploading will start on this Monday.

Everyone now can get an address such as [Log in to view e-mail addresses] which will foward emails

to your current account! If you want to get one such address, just email Jac

([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and tell him your name.

-- DB News --


I heard some rumors that DB's new site would be finished soon... but I have

no idea how true is that.

-- House Status --

  • Mailing List

Aragorn, I need you to make a few changes in the House mailing list. First,

make me a moderator in there, and please add me to your Phyle's mailing list.

Second, our Pimp PCON, Yacko, asked to have his addy changed to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Please let me know once you've done the changes! =P

-- House Roster --

KPN Jarla [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KE Alanna [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KAP Aragorn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KAP Arion Sunrider [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KAP Aseret Thunderhawk ?

KP Ravnos Nottingham [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KP Betja Jun [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KP Meshuggah Blitzkrieg [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

KP Raistline Majere [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Bubbles [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Kermalius Froogstamp [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Ghost [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK DarkArchon [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

GRD Ahriman'sabaoth [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

GRD Ariendel Kaen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

GRD Airchios Elcyk [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

PRT James Dragon [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Zedder Netzach [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Connor McLeod [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

These are those people I know are still there. If your name isn't here, it means

you didn't reply to the AWOL check and that you don't hang out on IRC. If you

still want to be part of this House, there's still time.

That concludes this Report... have a nice day!

Respectfully submitted,

Ravnos Nottingham

FM/CPT Ravnos Nottingham/Hunter 1-2/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger

BS/PCx3/ISMx5/MoT-3gh/CoL/CoB/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-M/1-SM/2}

KP Ravnos Nottingham (Krath)/AED/House Ektrosis of Taldryan,



As psoted by QUA Kir Katarn

"Hello everyone!

You all know me, OW Kir Katarn, former AED of Dinaari. Well with Jordans

departure the clan summit has found it appropriate to make me QUA of

Dinaari! So I'll give you guys a quick run-down on the current situation

and what I expect.

AWOL Check-

I just finished running an AWOL check, and we have 11 members! If you are

receiving this and have not replied to the check (or even if you want to be

taken off the roster) please reply to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Brigade News-

With the decreace in membership, I am going to have to close down one of the

brigades. I haven't decided which one yet, but i'll announce that soon.

AED News-

I am obviously in need of an AED. If you want to apply, send your

applications to me, Jac, and Yacks (or just me and i'll fwd it on). Hurry

up with those, because I am going to make my choice very soon.


With Jac's aquiring of a new domain for all of Clan Taldryan, there is a new

need for a new Dinaari website. Unless somehow we can get the old one

working.... But either way, I am looking for someone with HTML or other

webpage skills. If you could help me in this way, again, email me at

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

IRC Presence-

As most of you know, the most active members of the DB are the ones that are

on IRC. I beleive that it is crucial that all members go on IRC as much as

they can, within reason, i.e. i don't expect 24/7 on IRC, but being there

for melees, and every couple nights to talk would be great. I am on pretty

much daily, unless IRC is giving me problems.

eGroup (yahoogroups)-

I would like to see much more disscussion on this eGroup. Every once and a

while I'll send out a topic of some random sort, and if everyone could just

add in one reply that would be great.


First off, I would like to see 100% participation in Jac's random weekly

comps. They are really easy, and they show that you are active. Also, I'm

going to try to get some comps with other Obelisk houses going. I really

want to win a couple, so make sure your JK skills are up to par! Also, the

Brigade league has NOT ended, so after i restructure the brigades, I would

like to see activity there again!

Basically guys, i just want Dinaari to be the fun, dominating house it once

was, even when the rest of the DB is sleeping!

OW Kir Katarn(Obelisk)/QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan"

That's it for this report boys and girls....see ya on the flip side...

Lord Jac Cotelin, Consul of Clan Taldryan

Grand Master Emeritus

Fleet Admiral, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

Grand High Imperial Pimp In Training

Clan Taldryan Web Site:

The Dark Side Compendium:

Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi Message Board:;forum_id=5&amp;days=5

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