Dark Crusade Run On Information


Dark Crusade Run On Information


The next round of the Dark Crusade will feature a run on competition for each planet. Teams will consist of five members of the same House or Clan. You will have the opportunity to post your team name and team members on your opening post (details will be found on the rules page once posted).

I wanted to give all of you a heads up so you could begin selecting your teams. SPECIAL NOTE: If a member of your team fails to reach the minimum requirement for posting, your team will be disqualified from Nova contention. Individuals who fail to meet the minimum posting requirements will be disqualified from the event and will not be given participation points (!).

*Also, a special thanks to everyone for participating in the Voice polls. Feedback from the last run on event has been incorporated into this upcoming RO. Good luck!

Good luck to all participating teams!

Would five people be the minimum or maximum amount of participants per group, or is it the exact number required?

Also, good luck to everyone participating!

Also how many teams per unit are permitted?

Technically there can be as many teams as you can make within a unit, although I'm curious about the min/max amount as well.

Just one more question...since all members of a team must ensure they post so as to not hurt the chances of their team, what are the requirements for this competition? It may just help some people in deciding whether to participate or not.


  1. Five is the minimum. I"ll confirm with Muz on a maximum and we will post it with the rules tomorrow.
  2. You can have as many teams as possible per House/Clan.
  3. Requirements: The will go up with the rules, but the basics are 250 words per post, two posts per week.
  1. Five is the minimum. I"ll confirm with Muz on a maximum and we will post it with the rules tomorrow.
  2. You can have as many teams as possible per House/Clan.
  3. Requirements: The will go up with the rules, but the basics are 250 words per post, two posts per week.

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