DSC Situation Report


DSC Situation Report

Hello all. Per my orders, I am going to begin my work with the DSC in this area. The Clan Histories and the Triumvirate path will be the first items of business. I’d like to get the most up to date Clan/House history and Order histories I can acquire. That means each Clan will need to delegate someone (one person, official) to send me their latest official accepted Clan and House history via email to macrongoura-at-gmail.com.

I will need one staff member at this time, someone with good knowledge of DB Clan and Order history and excellent writing/editing skills. Send your applications to Jac, Xanos, and myself.

I’d also like to point out a few things, and give some thoughts per my discussions with Lord Cotelin and DGM Xanos. The DSC will be brought in line and enhanced with Canon material as much as possible, given the large amount of source data currently out there. I intend to fictionally beef up the Obelisk Order’s origins per Xanos, giving all you Obelisks more fiction and background to play with. There is a TON more stuff coming up. As always, if you have a suggestion I am listening. The DB is for all of you. Just drop me a line.

                                                                 Cheers, Macron  

Sounds awesome! If only I knew more about the DB history and all... Then I would apply.

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