Fist of the Brotherhood Report #11


Fist of the Brotherhood Report #11

A report in which Val talks about the future of the Jedi Outcast Server, why he likes the new PVP Score thing, three updates to the Rites of Combat, a Dark Side Cookie Competition, and the Grand Master's Royal Guard Gorefest for December!

Jedi Outcast Server... an outcast?

So, we've had a Jedi Outcast Server up and running for quite a while now. What we haven't seen any of since at least August is Jedi Outcast matches. So I'd like to open the comments section of this news post up for thoughts on if there is a reason to continue paying for our own Server for this game. Currently I don't see much of a reason to. This doesn't mean the game will drop off the ROC completely although it will move to a Tier 2 Platform. I'm more than willing to pay for a Server, but if its not being used... it just doesn't make sense to continue doing so.

PVP Score and Gaming Competition Scoring

If you gamed last round of the Crusade then you have a general idea of what this is. If you didn't or don't remember, I'll break it down again here:

PVP Score = Matches Won * (Matches Won / Matches Played)

Some people may be wondering why create this crazy formula thing for a Gaming Competition. Our old model was based solely on the number of Matches Won, I felt like we needed a way to tie members skill in matches in as well. Fiction doesn't get judged based on how many "good" pages you write, so why should gaming be judged solely on how many "good" matches you play?

So as we get ready to move into the New Year I'm looking at applying the PVP Score concept to the Weekly Pendants of Blood as well. Again, lets hear your thoughts. Do you like this? Do you hate it? Got an idea on how to improve it even more?

Rites of Combat Changes

  • First change we've got is to modify the way Pazaak Matches are done. We want to adjust the ROC so that one match of Pazaak in the Pazaak Cantina, is one match of Pazaak for the DJB. No more tracking 3 Cantina Match wins for 1 DJB win. It will all be the same. Since there's been some confusion around this in the past, I have a graphic to explain shown below.


  • Second is the ROC associated with Fist Staff's use of IRC during Vendettas. Currently it allows Fist Staff to idle in #DBGaming during these events. This will be changed to only allow Fist Staff to idle in #DBGaming if they forfeit the ability to place during the Gaming Event. To assist in identifying this I'm in the process of setting each Fist Staff member to have Voice (not the Pravus one) privileges in #DBGaming, except for the Praetor who will have Operator. Prior to a Vendetta start I will remove the Auto-Voice (or Op) option for all individuals other than DC, if a Fist Staffer would like to continue to idle and monitor the channel I will grant them Auto-Voice/Op back, and they will not be eligible to place.

  • Last is a change to the SWTOR Starfighter CF rewards. After playing a good number of these matches over the last 2 weeks I've noticed they tend to last a bit longer than Warzones. Based on this the CF rewards ratio for Starfighter matches will be increasing from 1 CF per match to 1.5 CFs per match in the near future.

December Competitions

Double Competition December continues on! Here's a list of the Gaming Competitions that are still out there, and one new competition at the end!

Dark Side Cookies!

Battle of the Bakers Make some Star Wars themed cookies and submit a picture of them!

Competition Results

Star Wars Angry Birds II: Thanksgiving Edition (Eat Pork Not Turkey!)
  • 1st GRD Zednich Wolfram, House Plagueis with 47,390
  • 2nd DEF Rangel, House Odan-Urr with 50,050
  • 3rd OT Rosh Nyine, Clan Naga Sadow with 50,480
  • 4th PRT Initilus. House Plagueis with 51,770
  • 5th JH Ragnar Rothblood, House Plagueis with 51,790
Pendants of Blood
  • 24Nov2013 - 07Dec2013: SW Ernordeth Puer-Irae of Arcona, 24 matches played, 100% win ratio

Random Gaming News and SWTOR Events!

First, there's been some pretty awesome Gaming News that came out on the front page earlier this week. If you haven't read it yet check out:

  • Star Wars: Attack Squadron posted by Yacks. This looks to be a pretty epic Space Combat game, and Free to Play. Its in Beta right now, follow the link in his News Post on how to sign up!
  • SWTOR Life Day posted by Solari. Celebrate Life Day (or don't!) with the Wookies in SWTOR. There's a few slick toys you can pick up during this event including a Sleigh Speeder, picture in Solari's post.
  • The SWTOR Gree Event will also be returning for members with characters who are Level 50-55. Head to Illum to finish up the dailies during the two weeks this Event is around, you can pick up some pretty sweet looking gear from it as well!

GMRG: December's Gorefest

Gorefest will be running this Friday, December 20th through Sunday, December 22nd. Double CFs for all, and for all a good... fight?

PS - I love the News Post layout!

Excellent Report Val!!

Awesome report, Val!

...dat pun, yo.

Hope to get on board with you TOR types this weekend for some Starfighter goodness. Played some last night but the times I can play during the week mean everyone else is asleep :P

Next week when I'm on Christmas Break from work Solari.... all the Starfighter are belong to us!


Yay pazaak not taking 20 minutes to earn a CF! I like the update, and I'm sure there will be a great amount of more Pazaak players because of it.

And in regards to the Jedi outcast server: I haven't played any JO in a good two years or so myself. Being from Tal, JO has a specia place in my heart. However, no matches since August speaks for itself. JO is a nastalgia type game, not an actual game that people are wiling to play on a day to day basis; especially not since the word of saber dueling how long since been surpassed by other great games. I ay move it to 2nd tier. There's no sense in an unused server being payed for when those funds could virtually used elsewhere and have a greater impact.

Why can't we just find a non-DB JO server? We didn't have any issues with that when people still played the game...

You can. That's why it will still be on the ROC as a Tier 2 Game (because no one is playing it anymore).

JO is one of those games that I truly enjoyed playing in the DB, but in the end if no-one is actively playing it then there's no use spending money on a server.

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