Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

The sun shone brightly on the streets of Teyr and the inhabitants mingled in the streets happily chatting amongst themselves. The occupant of the Limousine Landspeeder that was currently trying to make it’s way through the throng of people was not so amused. In exasperation, he closed his eyes. As if a ram had shot through the street a path cleared, people suddenly hurled to the side. The Falleen leaned back in his seat, a sneer of contempt curling his lip. He had spent an uninterrupted week in the library of his mansion in the scholarly city Tailyon and a summons, even from his new Quaestor and old friend Ood Bnar was unwelcome. Kalak sighed as the limousine sidled up the slope to the Imperial Summer Palace, a building which he’d overseen the development of.

As the vehicle slowed to a halt, the Falleen stepped out, smoothed his robes and gripped his cane. He marched through the various passageways until he reached the gilded doors to the gold dome that was the throne room. Kalak paused, getting his breath back, thinking that the rich meals and lack of exercise was taking effect. He waved a hand and the doors opened to the sound of the trumpet. Seated on the throne was the old Neti and to his right sat Xen'Mordin Vismorsus the Aedile. Ood heaved himself up and lumbered over to the Falleen, engulfing the lizard in a large embrace. “Kalak miboy, it’s been some time.” The Quaestor disengaged himself and poked a branch-like protrusion at Kalak’s stomach. “You’ve been overeating, Kalak. That Falleen aristocracy of yours is fattening you. You’ve gained at least two stone since I last saw you.” “So says the Neti that weighs nearly a ton.” remarked the Falleen, coolly removing the wildlife that had come with the hug. “Might I ask why you summoned me here, Emperor.” “Yes, quite. I need a good Rollmaster, someone I know and can trust. Someone who can put a bit of stick about, keep the Journeymen on the right path, that sort of thing. And who would I turn but to you?” Rumbled Ood over the chirping of the birds nesting in his hair. “I would be delighted to acquiesce, Ood.” “Excellent. How is your latest work going? It’s another philology piece, no?” “Yes, it’s on the effect Rakatan had on the languages used on worlds in the Infinite Empire.” The two Krath launched into furious discussion whilst Xen stood awkwardly at the side, a frown growing steadily across his face. Eventually he walked out, unbeknownst to the Krath.

Report time! The first HSP RM report in years, if indeed ever. It’s going to be a long one.


New positions: Quaestor Ood; Aedile Xen; Rollmaster Kalak; Acclivis Draco BTL Koryn; Caliburnus BTL Impetus; Dorimad Sol BTL Raiju; Nightstalkers BTL Dante;

-We now have a course? Did you know that? If not then you don’t read the DB news page often enough. Thanks to Timbal (aka Lambow), Dante and various other people who have contributed.

-DB History II has also been released.

-The Fist has released a report. There’s some pretty exciting stuff coming up for those who like gaming. Check this report.

Medals and Promotions

Chaps, these past few days have been amazing. Honestly, pour yourselves a sherry.

Archangel 1 x Dark Side Scroll 4 x CoFs 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star 1 x Legion of the Scholar

Dante 1 x Crescent with Ruby Star 2 x Crescents with Emerald Star 62 x Clusters of Fire 1 x Crescent with Amethyst

Xantros 2 x Crescents with Emerald Star

Zin 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star Promotion to Jedi Hunter

Xen 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star 1 x Legion of the Scholar

Von 1 x Crescent with Topaz Star.

Kael 1 x Legion of the Scholar

Impetus 2 x Legions of the Scholar

Jodan – Promotion to Acolyte

Shadow Academy

Arch Dark-Maven in flight

Dante Scholae Palatinae course

Zin Leadership Fundamentals Starfighter Studies

Jodan Training Saber basics

Whether a new member or a returning member, the training and information contained within those hallowed halls is there for your benefit. The Shadow Academy is a resource to all members, beginning with the basics and moving into more advanced studies. Use it!


See table

Member of the week

There are several who are in the running for this, Ood, Zin and Xantros especially. However, there is only one person who should really get it this week and that is Archangel. Seriously, do you know what he’s been doing? If not, go and look at our wiki. He has worked tirelessly to bring it up to speed with the new changes. He has also earned himself the August wikipedian of the month tribute. I say “bravo” to him for his stellar work and invite you to do the same.


Immense…the House Summit has a lot in the works.

-History update: I’m doing this. Do feel free to pop onto the Scholae Palatinae wiki page and have a gander at what I’ve written. It’s under the general section of War. I’d like to raise a toast to Xantros who gave me a hand writing the Uneasy Alliances section. Good going! I’ve also written the update for Dorimad Sol, though I’m not sure it’s up yet. That was only a small page. At the moment I’m working on the Acclivis Draco history. Any old folks who’ve been around since before the split, please email me so I can get some extra details. After that, I will be auditing the Caliburnus history.

-I’ve got something special that will be released via email very soon. We're hoping it will answer many of the questions that Journeymen have.

-Something else will be released soon that will have a great impact on how we interact with the worlds around us. It's about being led by Arch and is about 95%

-We’ve got a few other bits and pieces to improve the House’s skills

I’m limiting what I say here so that Ood can release details at his discretion.

To conclude…

I’ve always been impressed by the familiar atmosphere in Scholae Palatinae. From the moment I joined it was pretty clear to me. So despite this grand change to the way Scholae Palatinae works, the bonds between us are still here. United we stand, divided we fall. If we are to regain our position at the forefront of the DJB then we need to work together and keep that atmosphere alive. Without it, we’re just a group of random nerds with no reason to be in this club.

That’s pretty much it. Journeymen, you’ve got your tasks so let’s see some promotions soon. To those of a higher rank, there are always things to do (and we all love shineys and promotions).

Good night

Kalak Ragnose Rollmaster of Scholae Palatinae

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