Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Antei smiled widely from its place in the dark. Eiko paced slowly along the shuttle's viewing board - as ever, the south was coated with whorls of dust that flickered underneath the darkness. White-hot spires jutted into the board's view as the hull rattled dully. Descending into darkness, Eiko thought lamely. His arms crossed over his chest, hands disappearing underneath the fabric.

"Pilot," Eiko called out sharply, his eyes never moving from the display, "set us down outside of the temple, due north."

"Yes, sir."

One day, he might find himself a personal ship - or a house ship for his use. The small retinue of pilots served him for now, catching smaller and smaller ships as he disappeared off the charted maps and slipped into the Shroud.

Calmly, he stepped away as the landing gear settled on the ground. His dustmask climbed around his mouth and nose once again as he took short steps down the boarding ramp, balancing himself with one bag slung over his shoulder and the other held tightly in his other hand.

This was home. It was not home. This was no more home than any station or port or rural district he'd lived in, no more or less comfortable than a shuttle or liner, apartment or barracks or port benches.

The black fabric felt rich and natural around him, draped over the red captain's coat and blue streak of Obelisk. He left the hood down and the front of his cloak unclasped. The small room suited all the needs of a migrant house. His fingers pushed the data around on the translucent screen in his hand.

"Everyone, please - leave room for the droid."

He shut his eyes and focused for one moment. It was a small audience, but it still made the words heavier in his mouth.

"As your Aedile, I'd like to pause for a moment to thank you for the continued opportunity to lead you. We are Revan."


House News: First off, I'd like to apologize for the last two reports in which I erroneously marked this section as "Clan News." As there are no Clans anymore, I thought that the error would be noticable now and have decided to fix it from here on out.

We are no longer the only Independent House. Or perhaps we are. After the results of the AWOL check that finished in the past month, all Clans have been downgraded to 4-Battleteam Houses.

The Voice and Fist have unveiled a number of competitions for the month. Unfortunately, you only have until the end of the month to participate in the following competitions from Voice Halcyon - so get your pens moving:

And here are some of the other open competitions and their closing dates:

The "Write" Stuff - Aug. 25

Keep your eyes pealed for new competitions that will open up early next month in the world of gaming.

Most of our activity happens on our Google group. I know this might seem a little strange, since this report is posted to my dossier and a post to the group and never presented on the big news scroll at the front of the website, but here goes nothing. If you see this message and you are not a part of the Google group, please send me a quick e-mail and I'll fix the situation. By extension, if you need anything - a name-drop in a character fiction, an extra person for a run-on, a fight in the ACC - and need someone to fill that spot, please contact me.

New Members: Kahnn, Raiden Natsumi Takahiro, and Crow the Dark join us as new members of House Revan. Also, Matt Adler has transferred into our house from Rogues. We're very glad to have them.

Rank: There was one rank elevation since the last report - and it's a dozy.

Krath Epis (KE) Ashia Kagan Keibatsu is now Krath Pontifex (KPN) Ashia Kagan Keibatsu. That is the final rank in the Equite class - a fearsome accomplishment.

Standing ovations are in order. Please rise and give her a round of applause.

Medals: There was one medal awarded since my last report - and it's a dozy as well. Ashia now can sport a Scroll of Foundation for her work in the mentorship of Davin Olar. It complements the rank nicely.

Exams: - Kahnn - Dark Brotherhood Basics - Grammar Studies - Aabsdu (retake)

Competitions: If you have any ideas for House-level competitions, please e-mail them to Raken, Callus, and myself. Submit them. Run them!

Personal Notes: I am back in town again after my vacation. I will be available through e-mails if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or death threats you'd like to send my way. Just kidding - I don't like questions.

Just kidding - I love questions. I love answering questions. But no one asks me any questions. If you just don't want to ask me a question, talk to any of your housemates. If you need a response quickly, please copy multiple members of the house so that someone will see your message and respond.

Make me earn my rank. Now that I'm back in town, I'm going to chase down Knight with cheetah-like intensity (or something like that). Wish me luck.


"From Antei to Sigma Horizon, kama ari wanga. May the Force be your instrument." Eiko finished. A smile worked across his face. "We can all disappear again - split in a dozen different directions."

The smile didn't disappear as he stepped into the conversations already growing in the room. We are Revan, he thought.

A huge congrats to Ashia, she's earned it a hundred times over. Welcome to the Pontifex peeps! =D

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