Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings Ya'll!

Quick little report from your new fangled Aedile type guy. I have been really busy with work the last week or two so this will be very quick.

There was a flurry of awards from the Reclamation come through. Congrats to all that were awarded something. I was awarded some stuff, tho I was in Cali at the time of the comp, before I became your illustrious Aedile.

On to more, there has been a bunch of Courses taken thru the Shadow Academy as well this last week or so. Congrats to all that are pursuing more knowledge.

As for me, I am working on a rather large scale project for the Clan at the moment and may seem to be out of touch a lot. The fruits of my labor will be on display soon enough....

I am going to finish this up as I don't want my reports to get as long as Wil Strikers did back in Wing XIV :P

If you need anything, feel free to let me know. Also, see the end of this email for my very first competition. There are many comps going on right now, but this one is mine... This one is easy, quick and special since it is my first one since just prior to the split...

And thats all!


Title: They Said WHAT?!? 1  


This is a simple caption comp. Best caption wins. Simple quick and easy...  

Fifth level Crescents are up for grabs  

Start Date: 11/14/2007  

End Date: 11/21/2007  

Unit in Competition: House Dorimad Sol  




fifth level crescents, depending on participation will determine how many  

places there are  

up to 5 entries - first place only  

5-10 entries - 1st and 2nd  

10+ 1st,2nd,3rd.  

1st Place Crescent with Emerald Star  

2nd Place Crescent with Topaz Star  

3rd Place Crescent with Quartz Star  


DJK Malevolent Blade (Sith)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae

Pin 3160

SC / AC-ToDS / SN-BL / Cr-1A-2S-3E-3T-1Q / CF / DSS-AuL / S:-9M-7R-4D-9P

{SA: KS: ToL - AS - IRC - GL - LF - D: KCORE - TW - KP - GS - O: SCORE - ST - ISET - ESET - CSS - K: OCORE - TS}

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