Shadow Academy Restructure completed


Shadow Academy Restructure completed

After JaM3z has coded all the required pages (thanks a lot man, what would I do without you!), the Shadow Academy restructure proposed and approved a few weeks ago has now been implemented and is active.

The details:

  • New members will now join with the rank of Initiate, a new bottom rung on the ladder.

  • Graduation from the Shadow Academy and assignment to a Clan is now achieved after passing only the Test of Lore (formerly "Phase 1") at the rank of Apprentice.

  • The Test of Skill (formerly "Phase 2") has become an optional and convenient way to achieve Novice rank.

  • There is the possibility to achieve ACO by passing the Order CORE and IRC Basics course. Also, ACOs can gain PRT by passing any five advanced SA courses beyond the ones required for ACO. This capability will later be replaced with a special Protector curriculum to be developed for each order.

  • The ID line designations for the undergraduate courses have changed: U:TL now indicates the Test of Lore, U:TSK, U:TSO, U:TSS show the Test of Skill for each order. Previously passed Phase 2 tests are shown as U:TS.

Transition issues:

  • If you are currently APP and have not passed Phase 1, you will remain in the rank of APP. You still need to complete the Test of Lore to gain your ability to join a Clan. (You have the details in a mail).

  • If you are currently AP and have passed Phase 1, you are herewith graduated and can request your transfer via the member center. (You also have a mail with the details).

  • If you are currently NOV or ACO, you can make immediate use of the new promotion capabilities. To gain the promotion administered by the system, you will need to pass at least one of the required courses after today. If you already have the full set required, the system cannot trigger, please contact your House summit so that they can process the promotion the regular way.

  • If you were EP in a Phase 2 course, you are invited to help me create the PRT course for the same order and become EP for this course as I believe there will be less people taking the Test of Skill now.

  • If you wish to have your old Phase 2 converted to the correct order, please send me a mail and I'll change it. You will need to have it changed before taking additional Tests of Skill for other orders so that you cannot score the same test twice.

  • If any bugs or unexpected behavior occur, please let JaM3z and me know immediately so that they can be fixed.

Happy course-taking and graduating!!!

Just was told that one sentence was rather ambiguous (don't want to edit and push this big thing to the top again :-P)

The correct meaning is:

You take the Test or Lore as Initiate. If you pass, you are promoted to Apprentice and graduate into your Clan. Initiate is the new lowest rank of the Brotherhood.

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