Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

RevengeX sighed as he read over the newest results from the latest happenings in the Great Jedi War that had spanned over two and a half standard months. Clan Scholae Palatinae ended up on the winning side of the War (with Clans Taldryan and Arcona), and now that the two Jacs were fused together again, events in the Brotherhood should run smoothly again. But then again, that's what everybody thought after the Fifth Great Jedi War when a strange epidemic caused by a long dead Sith Lord spread throughout the Brotherhood's ranks. Revenge thought for a moment and remembered the message that had been sent throughout the Clan about a paticular Dark Jedi Master, Kem Shu Maeda. The War ended after what seemed like a long time, and things were restored back to their normal level. The Priest knew that it was inevitable that another war would happen again between the Brotherhood's members. It was all about traveling towards the Final Way, after all. 'The Powers That Be must have something in mind for us,' thought Revenge as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. 'Ah well, we'll deal with it as it comes. There's no rush for us.' Pulling out a fresh piece of paper and pen, he began to write...


Well, the new website is up if you haven't already heard (it is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox 1.5.0.x. The link can be found on the Drynwyn's Flame roster or here: The History section of the site is still under construction. The site will be updated as I receive reasons to update (eg. promotions, changes to the roster, people submit to the library and/or gallery, etc.). I will email all members of the Battle Team a draft of the Honorary Members System that could possibly be implemented after I send this report out. Also, congratulations and thanks to all of those who have participated in the Sixth Great Jedi War!


Now I want the membership to be involved in interacting with the leadership! I don't mean taking over, but, offering suggestions for competitions, ideas (rather general), the new website, etc. After all, I'm requesting these competitions for you guys, and if you have an idea for a competition that could be implemented for the Battle Team, feel free to give me a general outline. If I think it would be better if it was House or Clan-wide, I'll tell you and then forward it on up the chain of command. If you do offer a suggestion, I'll reply in at most 48 hours. If I don't, please resend it. It's not that I've disregarded your email, but you may make a typo in the "To:" form, or something silly. If you want easy competitions, give me ideas of what you think is easy. If you want a Battle Team feud with Draco Conspicari, give me an idea of what you want in it. If you just want to lay back and enjoy the sun, feel free to! You don't have to send me any ideas, but if you do, that means you're more involved in the activities.


KP RevengeX Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-GJW6: Placed 16th in The Ultimate Duel

-GJW6: Placed low in Songs of the Past :P

-GJW6: Placed 12th in A final surprise

-GJW6: Placed 29th Overall

-Awarded Cluster of Fire x21

-Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star

-Passed History of the Sith I Course

-IRC Presence

KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-GJW6: Placed 111th Overall

-IRC Presence

KAP al`Lan Mandragoran ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-GJW6: Placed T87th Overall

-Ran 2 ACC Training Battles (Trainer)

-IRC Presence

DJK Uzbad Zol Tamalar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-GJW6: Placed 16th in Songs of the Past

-GJW6: Placed 11th in The Grand Battle

-GJW6: Placed 77th in A final surprise

-GJW6: Placed 67th Overall

-IRC Presence

GRD Libra Tzo ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-GJW6: Placed T201st Overall

-IRC Presence

KP Exodius ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-IRC Presence

PRT Krayn Cotelin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-AIM Presence


Drynwyn's Flame Time Capsule

A lunch box was left behind...

Drynwyn's Flame Krayt Dragon Hunt

We're going on a Krayt Dragon Hunt! W00t!

The Heart of a Dragon

You are a member of House Acclivis Draco. What does that mean?

Alright, who stole it!??

Find out who stole Squeaks!


Drynwyn's Flame Logo (Starts 9/20)

Design a logo for Drynwyn's Flame!

Wielding Drynwyn's Flame (Starts 9/30)

Ambitious for wielding Drynwyn's Flame?


I am a monkey! /me dances and makes monkey noises


"Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back."

-Thomas Sowell (1930 - ), Creators Syndicate

Have a great week everybody!


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