Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Quaestor Report #3, 03-25-2005

Greetings, everyone, and welcome to my third report as Quaestor of this fine House. The past ten days have been rather interesting for us, with a lot of new appointments, and some new members. Here’s an overview of the main things that happened since my last report:


-KPN Telona Murrage Tarentae is the new P:KHP, and will likely succeed Alanna in a month’s time.

-Volume five of the Dark Voice has been released. Go read it.

-GM Jac is on a semi-LoA.

-And, by far the most important news (:P): Qel-Droma has a lot of new leaders! Paladorion is the new Aedile, Kali is the new Rollmaster / House Envoy, and Laethan and Sashar are the new Tetrarchs of Dark Orb and Prophecy respectively. Big congrats to all of you! :D


-And yet again, Qel-Droma is growing, with two new members in the last ten days!

-Another good friend of mine, KAP Sashar, transferred from the Rogues to Qel-Droma. I’m sure most of you know him by now, since he’s the new Prophecy Tetrarch. :P

-Also, APP Dojin joined the House! Let’s all give him a warm welcome. :)

-Dojin, if there’s anything you need to know about Qel-Droma, Arcona or the DB in general, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], on IRC or on MSN.


-Sadly, no promotions were made this week in Qel-Droma. Oh, well. Better luck next week. :)


-Same thing concerning the medals. None were awarded this week, though I can see some members getting medals in the near future. :)


-The most embarrassing day in the life of… me. This competition is run by DJM Arania Lawakiro and myself, and it’s a great way to show off your writing skills, and to show me you’re active. The comp description is as follows: “It is a well known fact that members of Arcona and CSP don't exactly like each other. Indeed, among other things, there are frequent raids for booze, toilet paper and other necessary items conducted by both sides.

”Unfortunately, you and a member of the other Clan are stuck in a bad situation and need to work together to get out of it. No problem, you think. You'll get out of there and save the other guy's/gal's ass in the process. And of course the other DB member will never hear the end of it.

”But your day gets even worse. Nothing you do works out, and the other person ends up saving YOUR ass instead, and it's you who will never hear the end of it.

”Tell us the story in a funny or serious way. Minimum 2 pages Arial font size 10 or similar.” The deadline is April 21st… participate!

-The Krath Monthly Topics are, of course, the best way to show our skills as writers. This month’s Topics are “Morning has Broken” for poetry (but poetry in a rather special form… check the competition description) and “A Jedi’s Journey” for fiction. The comp descriptions can be found at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=764 (fiction) and http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=765 (poetry).

-Our beloved Consul, Lan, has not one, not two, but THREE Clan-wide monthly competitions in store for us! The Arcona Multiplayer Challenge, the Arcona Monthly Fiction Topic (Clan Fiction Topic for March - Perseverance: write about an occasion in which everything seemed doomed for your character, but despite all odds and the certainty of failure he refused to surrender and achieved success in the end. Times New Roman 12 or similar, single space, one page minimum) and the Arcona Monthly Graphics Topic (The graphics topic for March is "Horror". Draw a picture of something your character would consider horrifying. A person, a creature, an event, anything). Let’s just call them the AMC, the AMF and the AMG, to avoid absurdly long sentences. :P (The comp descriptions can be found at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=754, http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=755 and http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=756 respectively.

-Related to the AMC… participate as much as you can in gaming events! I know not all of you have SW games, but if you do, take the time to participate in the ICTE (each Saturday), the gaming days on Tuesday and Thursday, and the Sunday Tournament (once every two weeks, you can qualify for it by playing any MP games in the time between two Sunday Tournaments). They don’t only get you Clusters of Fire, but possibly Crescents and other medals, too!

-The ACC’s Championship Ladder is on… good luck to anyone who’s participating. If you’re not, do try to join the second Ladder, or the next one. There will be four of them, each one starting as soon as the previous one has finished. So there’s plenty of chances. :P

-On that note… why not challenge a fellow Qel-Droman to an ACC fight? It’s one of the best ways for us Krath to show activity, and it’s fun, too.

Closing Statements:

Though it wasn’t such an eventful week as last week, only good things happened to Qel-Droma. We’ve got some new members, and all our leadership positions are now filled by more than capable people. The first step in rebuilding Qel-Droma has been taken… the second step has to be taken mainly by you, the members. Be active, participate in writing competitions and in the ACC, participate in the gaming nights if you own any games… and I assure you, activity will not go unnoticed – or unrewarded.

If you have any questions, or just want to talk to me, I’m online quite often. You can mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], talk to me on IRC (I’m usually around in every DB and Clan channel under the nick Strategos or something related to it) or talk to me on MSN (my MSN address, for those who don’t know it yet, is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Well, that’s it for now. Take care,

  • Strat

Krath Archpriest Strategos T. Entar, di Tenebrous Arconae

Praetor to the Obelisk High Commander

Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

Leader of the Lord Archon's Royal Guard

Proconsul Emeritus

KAP Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae (Krath)/P:OHC-QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona [GMRG: G:LA] [ACC: SDR]

GC-S / SC-SoA / StA-LS / DC-LC / (SN) / Cr-2D-1R-4A-7S-3E-1T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / LSAg / SI-SoW / SoL / S:-18M-1R

{SA: U:TL - U:TS - G:LS - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:MSN - K:GS}

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