Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

  1. The roster currently stands at 1242 members. That is up from last weeks member count of 1213.

  2. The following position appointments were made this past week:

DJK Dessan (Obelisk)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

OPM Dreadnaught (Obelisk)/BAR/Dark Council

  1. The following worthy promotions were made this past week:

OE Khalin Kunar (Obelisk)/PCON/Clan Exar Kun

OE Cyris Oscura (Obelisk)/M:HRLD/Galeres of Arcona

  1. Apprentice's can now request rogue to clan transfers via the member center.

  2. No Clan to Clan transfer's during the Great Jedi War

Dark Jedi Master Corran Force

methinks cofo just wanted to use his new sig file :P

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