Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Some very important things this weeks, so read on:

  1. Promotions- Ma'arkhan was promoted to Jedi Hunter and Dranik completed his trials and will officially be promoted to Dark Jedi Knight as soon as CoFo approves it. Congratualtions to both of these members.

  2. RM Position Open- KP Spears has decided to step down from the RM position and the job is open to all who wish to apply. I can tell you there will be things to do once March Madness starts up. My only requirement is that you must be active, both in competitions and in general, day to day type of things. Send applications to myself and Aari. You have until Sunday, Feb. 29.

  3. Awards- Kidouses got a Crescent w/ ruby star for his KMT. Dranik earned some CFs (the actual number isn't known due to some problem with the DB site- we think), Spears earned 6 CFs, and I earned 5 CFs. Knight Camile passed an SA course- the Krath Poetry with an 87. Well done!

    Also, everyone who has participated in the run-on will receive a letter of commendation. The run-on will end around March 1st, so you still have time to get posts in.

  4. Phyle News- Both phyle reports have been sent out and both phyles have small competitions running. I encourage you to participate in these.

  5. Sith War- There are events for everyone, no matter what your order is. Spears has taken the lead from Gladius. I encourage everyone to participate however possible. I know I will.

  6. Competitions- House run-on, on the Gladius MB, phyle comps, and Spears latest Clan wide competition just to name a few. KMT's and the Sith War are also there. Do something, have fun, get rewarded!

  7. Finally, on a heavier note...

    I am not pleased with the current participation in the House. Some members are doing just fine and this is not really addressed to them. We all joined the DB because we wanted to have fun. Being a Star Wars fan was an added bonus to the resume. The leaders are here to serve you- to provide you with things that are fun to do- but we're also here to have fun. It isn't fun if people don't participate in the competitions we put out.

    I want to make one promise very evident here: heads will roll. If you are not active, you will get the boot. How soon depends on a number of factors. Come on people, its only 1 thing every 1-2 months, AT MINIMUM. Did you submit to a KMT? Did you forget to CC someone? If you fail an SA course, its still activity. Let the leaders know what you're doing.

In darkness,

KE Anshar Kahn

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