Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

This is a report with both good and bad news. I'll start with good news, because everyone likes that. Oberst just recently mentioned in his AED report that missions would be coming within the next two weeks. In fact, they are coming right now! Unfortunately, I don't have the time nor yet the skill to make missions for all our platforms, so I had to make do with selecting missions that are already extant. I'm going to make every attempt, however, to select missions in "groups" so that there will be a story behind the mission we are playing, even if it isn't our story. All the missions for this week are from a story, or larger campaign.

Our XWA mission is mission 2 in the Destroyer Campaign, which we started in the last mission series.

Our XvT mission is mission 9 in Renegade Fleet's first campaign, which is an RS campaign. We did mission 7 of this campaign back in June. I couldn't find mission 8, so we're skipping to number 9.

Our TIE mission is mission 2 from the Yridia campaign, which we started in the last mission series.

Our XW mission is mission 2 from the Top Gun series, which we also started in the last mission series.

All four of these missions work, to my knowledge, but if you encounter a difficulty with any of them, please let me know ASAP so I can make some change. Please try to fly these missions in the next two weeks, and turn in your reports by October 4th. As usual, goodies that look like shiny metals will go out to the winners at the close of the competition.

The bad news in this report is that it appears that XWA and XvT are currently unplayable for people using a firewall of any sort (including a router), thanks to changes in the recent version of DirectX. Hopefully this does not affect all of you, but I am sad to report that it does affect me. Jedi Outcast, as a newer game, is not affected by this problem, so you can still participate in the ICTE with that game if you are so inclined.

Speaking of that ICTE, it goes down every saturday starting at 4pm EST in #Outerrim. Show up and sport some Tridens pride! Also, post on our message boards. More news than you'll ever want to read can be found at the DB news page, but I won't bombard you with the link.

I'm out like last week's garbage.

GRD Zeno Comnenus (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum, SC

"Welcome to House Tridens. We're creeping death."

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