Adept DarkHawk Sadow, Overlord

Elder 1, Clan Naga Sadow, Sith, Sith Eternal
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
209077 words in 98 activities
17850 words in 22 posts and 10 activities
7242 words in 12 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 111 - 120 of 121 in total
[DC] Rogue One: Run-On
Textual submission

Manually added by Adept Marick Tyris

Chapter Three: Needing Sleep
File submission
Chapter Two: Mother's Revenge
File submission
[CSP/CNS] The Sting of Betrayal
File submission
Textual submission

Warrior DarkHawk
Pin 264

[CSP/CNS] Gone in 60 Seconds
File submission
Textual submission

Warrior Darkhawk
Pin #264

Textual submission

Manually added by Augur Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
File submission
Textual submission

Warrior DarkHawk
CNS Shadows Bane
We’re All Going On a Summer Vacation

The hallway seemed limitless. DarkHawk knew his quarters were just a few meters ahead. The Equite’s body riveted all over, the effects from Salbor Veir’s device was still resonating throughout his body. The mission’s synopsis was flooding in his mind. He could see it as vividly as video comm. DarkHawk wondered if the mission was a success or failure. The Lion left abruptly, nothing was accomplished he felt. His only mission with a Grand Master, and he was “forced” to expose him as a Jedi Sympathizer. The whole mission did not feel right, something was off and he felt he was missing a key piece.
Not The Lion, it cannot be, I studied him in my training, I learned from the same masters as he and Sith BloodFyre. I refuse to believe it, I will not believe it!

DarkHawk could almost feel himself stagger, he was exhausted. He never felt power like that. The device used against himself and Grand Master Muz was new, devastating, pure raw power. The Equite knew he must find out more about it and either destroy it or bring it to the Dark Council. DarkHawk reached the entry pad to his chambers, just as he was about to key in he heard it….

Soon, Warrior. All will be answered, all that was cloudy will be clear.

Master Muz, I am in need…..

“DarkHawk, there you are!” exclaimed Major Aexod. The Major was DarkHawk’s commanding officer and had just been recently promoted. DarkHawk was his Battle Team Sergeant (BTS), DarkHawk, recently back from his long hiatus, was indebted to the Major for giving him a command position of the team. The Major greeted the Warrior with a handshake, “You look troubled DH.”

“All is well sir, just in need of some meditation and I will be ready for your orders.” DarkHawk told his commander. Both men entered the Equites chambers, and DarkHawk removed his cowl. Aexod was quite astonished at the act, his second in command was always so elusive most of the time. That was out of ordinary for his BTS to do, Aexod felt a bit flattered.
“Speaking of orders, great job on Agua'tah, that was a big win for us,” said Aexod. DarkHawk gazed at his commander almost confused by that statement. “Your orders my friend, simply this, because of the great work from yourself and the entire Clan, you are as of this minute on leave status. No questions, I wanted to come tell you personally, and that funds have been added to your account.” Aexod said with a gratifying smile. Like a father proud of his children’s accomplishments.

“Yes, sir?” DarkHawk seemed to question the gesture. “Gather your things DH, enjoy yourself, you are to leave immediately” the Major exclaimed. “I will see you when you get back.” Aexod said as he headed for the door. The door opened and Aexod left, DarkHawk stood there wondering what was next.

The pinging of his quarters holocron messenger was emanating and DarkHawk hit the button to answer.
There Grand Master Muz and Master BloodFyre stood in front of the Warrior. DarkHawk bowed and uttered “Masters.”
The Equite noticed The Lion stood poised with his arms crossed as Master BloodFyre began to speak, “Muz has informed me of the actions on Agua'tah, you performed quite well.”

“Thank you, Master.” replied the Equite.

“You were placed in a difficult situation and you accepted it, impressive.” said BloodFyre. “So well that we want you to take this time you have to retrieve the plans for Salbor Veir’s device and bring them to us at the Dark Council.” explained Master BloodFyre.

Before the warrior could speak The Lion spoke next “Go to Dromund Kaas, meet with the Bounty Hunter Torin Nor.” The Lion's words pierced through DarkHawk. There was so much he wanted to say, to ask.

BloodFyre spoke, “I sense your anxiety warrior, all will be made clear. This mission has its many difficulties, believe nothing, you will be tested. Coordinates have already been placed in your ship.”

DarkHawk bowed and simply replied “Yes, Masters.”

What the hell is this all about? Now DarkHawk’s mind was racing, I will get to the bottom of this.

DarkHawk made his way back to the hanger, he entered his Sith Fury Class Interceptor. A magnificent specimen of a ship DarkHawk duly named Talon 1. Complete with many customizations and upgrades. He was proud of this, but his next ship would far overtake his Fury. 2V-R8 met him on the bridge. 2V was the ship's droid, and a damn good one.

2V’s voice crackled, “Master, I have the coordinates loaded and was instructed to tell you that you must enter a daily log of the events of this mission to bring forth to the Dark Council.”

“Understood 2V, I need to meditate and heal, take the ship out and prepare for the jump to light speed” instructed DarkHawk
“As you command, Master,” 2V replied and maneuvered to the ship’s controls.

DarkHawk made his way to his ships chambers. He stowed his battle uniform and put on his traditional garbs. He sat in the middle of the room and begun to channel his energy flowing one with the dark side. A calmness began to come over him and he could feel the power flowing through him.

2V maneuvered Talon 1 out of the hanger and made its way onto its flight path. The ship was smooth, due to its upgraded stabilization, its movements streamlined. 2V came over the intercom, “Master, we are clear of the spaceport and ready to make the jump to light speed.” One word came from the meditating equite, “Proceed.”

In a blink of an eye Talon 1 was gone, the vastness of space was all that was left.

DarkHawk dove deeper and deeper into meditation, his wounds were starting to heal. His chants seemed deep and shallow, he was entwining his fingers with the symbolic elements known as Kuji-In. His tune with the dark side was intact and present, a red glow encased his body and he was levitating. His chants deeper more controlled. Time seemed to cease and all-knowing was the goal. A Sith’s meditations were not only spiritual but mandatory for growth. This equite desired growth and knowledge, he was about to get an overwhelming dose of both.

Day 1
Voice log 1.1---Successfully made it to Rakata Prime, made my way to the Sith Temple. Though abandoned, its many secrets are still undiscovered and Sensei Mumashi my trainer, liked the ambiguity of its desolate location. Mumashi was a high ranking mercenary and loyal friend to the Keibatsu Clan. My father made arrangements that if anything happen to my parents, I would live and train with him. I landed Talon 1 and made my way into the temple. Strange, Sensei was not there waiting as usual. As I entered I could see a faint outline of a figure in front of the shrine of Exar Kun, Freedon Na, Markos Ragnos and Darth Bane. All four statues were the centerpiece of the great hall. Standing from floor to ceiling, Sensei says this temple was built so that true Sith could harness their knowledge. Their eyes followed you everywhere and to stand in their presence, was more than an honor, I could feel them.

As I walked closer the figure I could see was Sensei, meditating. As I approached him, I kneeled and bowed, cleansing the weariness I had felt off my body.

“You are perplexed with doubt and question young one, there is no need” a crackled aged voice of Mumashi spoke. “Sensei, that is exactly what The Lion told me, though the words have constraints and I do not see the path” replied the equite.
“Ahh, The Lion speaks in volume, take heed to his words. Release the confusion that is consuming you, it will only lead to your downfall. Trust in what you know, not what you cannot see” replied the old man.

“I understand Shidoshi”, replied DarkHawk.

I spent the rest of the day between explaining to Mumashi what Master Muz and BloodFyre had told me and some much needed training. We discussed the best scenarios of meeting with the bounty hunter Torin Nor. It was agreed I would arrive a day early and do some reconnaissance so that I could cover every angle of the meeting. I never heard of this bounty hunter, my senses tell me that a betrayal to my masters was in place. I had no qualms about killing a bounty hunter. I just want the intel before I do.

The rest of the day I trained. As old as Mumashi was, he fought like he was in his prime, I would take him on any mission. Though his days on the battlefield are over, his knowledge never ceases to amaze me.

Day 2
Voice log 2.1---Amazing how one feels after the clouds of doubt have been clear. I meditated on the prior day events through the night, what was said and what was not. I know now that whatever is in store for me it has already been determined and I must face it head on. This meeting this Torin nor, is going to prove useful, even if I do kill him.
Talon 1 was making its way to the final coordinates to Dromund Kaas, the jump to light speed was a little rough. Need to check the stabilization coils when I return to HQ.
Making my way to the spaceport I landed and “persuaded” the port master on my credentials and managed to place Talon 1 in a very secluded part of the port. If need be, it will be a nice and easy departure, or very quick departure. I was satisfied either way.
I punched in the coordinates and made sure 2V tracked me as I made my way. No need to making my way back to the spaceport if I needed to get the hell out of here in a hurry. I put on more “casual” attire so that I could blend into the cityscape and took a shuttle near the meeting locale.
I managed to slip into the diner adjacent from the rendezvous location. I sat at a corner booth and order a café’. The Twi’Lek waitress sized me up as she took my request. I disguised myself as a building fusion cutter, there was enough construction around the area no one seemed to question it. A little bit of grime from Talon 1 that I rubbed on my hands and across my forehead no one seemed to mind except for my dingy appearance. The soiled coverall I kept on hand was also a nice touch.
I the building I was observing looked to be a hotel and a casino occupying the upper floors. No doubt a front for the Hutt’s. Positive the higher the floor the seedier the occupants. As I sat there and drank my caf, I noticed a young human boy, shining shoes. Would have not have given it a second thought, except for the fact he was shining the same pair of shoes for the last hour. I could not make the individual who shoes were being worked on, but would bet he’s there for the same reason I am.
I left the diner and made my way across the busy street, pedestrians made their way through the streets like sheep. Sickening, they have no meaning, no purpose.
I joined a working party entering the construction site and walked right passed the group of what seemed to be the entry detail. I took the service elevator to the top and made my way to the northwest corner. From there, I can a clean shot of the rendezvous, I could stage myself here later and wait for the meeting party before I made my entrance. I scanned the area, I could make out silhouettes through the darkened window panes. Even during the peak hours of the day, seems the casino was quite busy.
As I made my final scans of the area, I heard footsteps coming up from behind me. “You there, what are you doing”, a deep beckoning voice aimed directly at me. I turned a saw a very over weight Rodian barking at me. His natural secretions which attracts the opposite sex was strong and appalling. “Nothing, enjoying the view” I replied. The Rodian made his way closer, my first thought was to throw him off the ledge, but a more discrete approach would need to be taken.
I reached into a hole in my overhaul pockets to get a blade, from my utility belt. The smell was awful, I need to make this kill quick. “You're new here, let me see your papers” said the Rodian. He held out his rough skinned hand, and I drove my blade into his neck. I covered his mouth and twisted the blade. Lifeless. He slumped to ground. I dragged his body to an equipment pod and threw the corpse in and closed the lid.
I made my way back down and out to the streets. I jumped onto a shuttle and headed back to the spaceport. I arrived back on Talon 1 and started prepping for tonight’s excursion. As I prepped my tools of the trade, I called upon the dark side empowering me, solidifying my will to achieve my goal. Tonight, tonight I will get my answers…

Day 3
Voice log 3.1---As I sheathed my last remaining throwing knives, I was at piece. I knew tonight was going to be a success. 2V brought me my fighting sticks and shurikens. “I fashioned your throwing stars just the way you like them master.” 2V explained. He was good droid to me, I like his little quirkiness. “2V going to need you to be my eyes in the sky tonight, and keep the ship on standby we may need to get out of here in a hurry.” I told my shipmate. “Indeed Master, would you like me to send out a few more observation drones?” replied the little droid.
“No, I don’t want to make it too obvious, this mission will take a bit of tact I feel.” I replied.
2V headed to the command console, pushed a series of buttons. A few moments later you could hear the sound of hatches opening and the scuttle of movement. I made my way down the ramp, as four small observations drones whizzed above my head. A small smile crossed my face, I love prepping for battle. I walked back in the ship and told 2V to monitor my standard communications channel and keep me posted of anything suspicious.
Time was 0130 hours, the crisp air felt good. You would think that at these hours the city would be vacant. Just the polar opposite, this city never sleeps and endless flow of lemmings never ceases in this place. I had to make sure that I stayed in the shadows and stay to the roof tops, I cannot take the chance of being seen, that will put an end to this mission a sure as the sun will rise. I had 2V plot me a course to get up high from the spaceport, and he did just that. I managed to work my way to the top of the spaceport and up to a large antenna array. That would do the trick.
I scaled the antenna and planted firmly on the small landing. The air was chillier at this height, the wind racing and I could almost hear the city’s heartbeat. I pulled up the coordinates on my gauntlet CPU and it was almost a straight shot to where I need to be. The wind was right, better now than never. Within that second my wings from my pack expanded and I dove off the landing.
The night rushed passed me as I plummeted towards the city streets. With just a small adjustment of my arms and torso I leveled out and made my way to my rendezvous point. The city seemed so much smaller from here. The cityscape was lit up so well, I could make out just about every part of the city. The observations drones were already in place and sending me live video feed from the casino rooftop. No movement yet, but that will soon change.
The winds shifted a bit and flight was more of struggle, I saw the construction yard where I was earlier and my stake out placement. With these winds it may be a bit of a sticky landing. I pushed my wings back and went into a subtle dive, the wind was pushing me fester than expected into a more sever dive. Definitely going to come in hot I thought. I lined myself up at the top of the rudimentary landing platform. As I came in I thrust my body forward so that I was upright to the platform and expanded my wings slightly forward to slow my descent. I knew this was going to be a tuck and roll moment.
The second my heels hit the platform I knew I only had about fifteen feet to complete my maneuver. As my heels touched I immediately went into my roll, my wings retracted and I was in midst of my second roll when I knew I was in trouble. The edge got closer, as I transitioned to my feet, I knew I came in to fast. I saw the edge fall past my sight, I spun myself around and drove my talons into the girder. A sudden stop like that probably should have ripped my shoulder out of socket. I pulled myself up on the platform and assessed myself. 2V came over the COMM, “Nicely done Master” in his best sarcastic voice. “You caught all that did you?” I asked. Droids…..
Made my way to the corner of the building so that I had a clear view. Drones were still feeding me their close up video, nothing yet. I will have to call them off once I see movement. I switched my cowls vision to night vision, there, there it was. To the left of the only access door, three crates and one ankle sticking out. “2V, move one of the drones to the southwest corner and concentrate on the crates” I whispered in my COMM unit. “As you wish Master”, 2V replied. I watched the small spherical drone move alongside the building and makes its way above the crates. There you are, just as the figure came into sight a red colored blaster bolt totally destroyed the drone. Damn it, those are not cheap!
Well better now than never. I took a few steps back and ran for the edge, just as I leaped off, I extended my wings once more and glided towards the casino rooftop. This time coming in hot may be a good thing, I thought. The figure moved their way out from the crates as they knew as well as I did we were both exposed. Just as the figure cleared the crates, from another dive and full extension of my body I drove my feet into their shoulder blades. I could hear the air leaving their lungs, I landed directly into a run and closed the gap between me and my target. I pulled my fighting sticks from their sheath and slid past my target and cracking off three strikes directly to the knees. A scream of pain, which I rejoiced at that. What caught me off guard was the octave in which it was produced.
“YOU IDIOT!!!” my-would-be assailant screamed. “Just back up for a second”, a muffled voice groaned, but I could clearly make it out to be female.
“Explain to me why I should not proceed in ending your life” I asked
The figure managed to stand up right, hands out and removed the mask they were wearing. “Because I Warrior DarkHawk, am Torin Nor.” As this Torin nor removed the mask, I was astonished that it was a female changeling, I was almost taken back.
“You’re the bounty hunter I was sent to meet?” I asked
“Yes, this meeting was designed by the one they call The Lion.” She replied
I hesitated for a minute as I starred at her features. Sloppy, why would you expose yourself so soon? “Why are you hiding if you were to meet me?” I asked. “The same reason you were staking me out from the adjacent building, you Sith are somewhat predicable.” She explained. “I have a good mind to gut you on this rooftop”, as I extended my talons in front of her face. “All fine and well, but you will never get what you are after.” said the bounty hunter. “And what would that be?” I said through gritted teeth.
Three simple words stopped me, from ripping this changeling into pieces……..
“He-Who-Remembers” she hissed.
What seemed like an eternity, was merely seconds. The mission with Master Muz flowed through my mind, detail by detail. “By your silence, this is someone you intend to harm?” Torin questioned. “That is none of your concern, if this is to be true, tell me what I need bounty hunter!” I growled. “Payment?” she replied. I reached to a pouch on my utility belt and pulled out 5000 credits, as I extended my hand, I pointed my fighting stick directly at the young bounty hunters face. “Same time, I don’t know you and killing you, regardless is a bonus” I said bass fully. The young changeling extended her hand and placed a holocron into my hand. “This, this is what I came all this way for?” I asked. “That is the locale of what you’re looking for, it’s an old temple, heavily guarded and my bet is they know you’re coming” said Torin.
As I put the holocron in my utility belt pouch, I could not help myself but to impose my will for the situation at hand. I snatched my left hand out and grabbed the changeling by the throat, picking her off her feet and getting nose to nose to her. “If this is in any way a ruse, there is nowhere in this universe you can hide that I won’t find you.” The bounty hunter pounded on my forearm to break the grip and that she found was not happening. Her gasps were quick and short, I could slowly see the life leaving her. She was trying to mouth words but my grip was to intense. I relaxed my grip and this Torin Nor spoke with painful discouragement, “Don’t you think that The Lion has already implemented such assurances for that?” gasped the bounty hunter.
You know this to be true warrior..
Master Muz, I don’t know what to do. As if Grand Master Muz was standing beside me I could hear his voice. The planes of the dark side have to boundaries.
This one has served its purpose, we have other agendas to attend too…
Yes, Master
I looked fixedly into the eyes of this changeling bounty hunter, I did not have to say a word, she knew I was fixed on making my words reality if needed. Just then the entry door to the roof blew open. I tossed Torin to the side and rolled away from the explosion. Five rebel troopers flooded out onto the roof top followed by one Jedi. The light sider walked with the very assurance that he would be coming out of this skirmish victorious. I love killing Jedi…..
I looked at Torin and told her to concentrate on the troopers I will deal with the Jedi. Blaster fire rocketed past our heads. I reached to my wing pack and pulled my collapsible Nightsister energy bow from its sheath. I drew upon the dark side and swelled in its power, I unlocked the bow and it was ready to do my bidding. I rolled to my right and into a prone position fired three bolts from my bow. The first was strategically aimed at the Jedi, which he deflected with his saber, without even looking the Jedi deflected my bolt right into the chest of one of the troopers. One down, you must be new at this…
I fired two more bolts from my bow and they both hit their mark. Center mass and sent the troopers soaring backwards. Three down. Torin was holding her own and was making short work of one of the troopers. Four down. The Jedi was closing in on the Bounty hunter as the last two remaining troopers were pinning her down with blaster fire. Normally I would have just let them have their way, but not today, today they get to see a Sith make little work of this newly appointed Jedi. Or so I thought.
As the Jedi rounded her flank for the killing stroke, I flanked the Jedi myself and as he came down with his saber for the kill shot, I blocked that stroke with a thrust block, followed by a massive spinning heal kick to the side of the Jedi’s head. The Jedi went sailing back and astonishingly he rolled mid-way through the assault and regained his composure. Judging by the look he was gazing towards the equite with, he did not expect that. It was almost a picturesque moment as he looked up at the Sith, blood red long hilted saber in one hand, energy bow in the other. The warrior was emotionless, letting the hate for the Jedi fuel him for the imminent battle.
Without missing a beat, the bounty hunter rolled from her cover and fired off blaster shot after blaster shot. Her aim was quite impressive barely missing the first troopers head my centimeters, only to follow up the second and third shot directly to the head. Four down. The last remaining trooper unleashed a melee of rifle fire and the bounty hunter found herself diving out of the way. One of those volleys happen to strike her solid to the left shoulder, the blaster she had in that hand went soaring across the rooftop. She managed to roll across avoiding the second wave of blaster rounds. Her shoulder burning from the wound. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Torin managed to get to her feet and launched herself into the air and return her own wave of blaster fire, thus landing the killing stroke two to center mass and one to the head. Five down, only one remains…
The Jedi stood upright and pointed at the Sith, “So you must be the one called DarkHawk” he sneered. DarkHawk said nothing, the warrior deactivated his bow, collapsed back down and stowed it to its sheath. DarkHawk took his second saber from its hilt and the hum of its activation drowned the air around them. The Jedi could feel the power surrounding the warrior in front of him. They maneuvered around one another in a circular pattern. DarkHawk never saying a word just sizing his opponent up for the kill. “You cannot leave with that holocron, I will not allow you to interfere with what we have planned for the Empire” the Jedi once again sneered his comment at the SIth. This time DarkHawk’s motion stopped squaring himself up to the Jedi, “You say that like you control the situation here” DarkHawk growled back.
That’s when the warrior saw it, the Jedi shifted his weight from his front leg to his back, the attack is coming, Wait for it, wait for it. Just as the warrior predicted the Jedi launched himself into the air, no doubt using the assistance of the force to aide him. The warrior waited for the descent of the Jedi, and in a semicircular motion crossed his sabers blocking the downward parry of the light sider. Then as DarkHawk pushed off from the Jedi, he simultaneously swept the front foot of his attacker just enough to knock him off balance. DarkHawk then parried with his right hand driving his saber towards the Jedi’s midsection. The Jedi countered that blow, though failed to see the saber from the Sith’s left hand severe his off balance front leg. The Jedi, screamed in agony as his leg fell parallel to him.
The Jedi rolled away as if he was making his escape. Torin walked over and looked at the chaos that was created. “This is going to bring in more troops, you have what you need, I have what I need. Let’s say that’s equal transaction” the bounty hunter said enthusiastically. DarkHawk just looked at the Bounty Hunter, then looked at the Jedi. The warrior looked back at the changeling and walked towards the Jedi. Without even removing his eyes from her, her drove his saber into the heart of Jedi. His dying breathes were soured by defeat only to become another victim of the Sith. “Should I be flattered” Torin asked? “Mark my words bounty hunter, if this fails to check out, I will find you” DarkHawk growled.
The Sith and the bounty hunter stood on the rooftop for another moment. “It will check out, I don’t want to have to look over my shoulders from the likes of you two, whatever you got planned” Torin said. DarkHawk leaned over and picked up the fallen Jedi’s saber, another for the collection. The sound of footsteps running upstairs was echoing out of the doorway, both the bounty hunter and Sith turned and made a hasty getaway off that rooftop. DarkHawk did not even bother looking where the bounty hunter fled to. He did not care. The warrior made it to edge of the rooftop on a dead run and leaped into the night. His wings extended from their wing pack and he soared silently above the city scape once again. The cold air feels once again good…
Day 4
Voice log 4.1----Making it back to the spaceport after the last night’s excursions was almost a relief. Though I did not feel as if I accomplished what I really needed to. I informed 2V to standby as I wanted to see what information this holocron was keeping. I placed the holocron in the ships reader, just then the shipped rocked violently. The holocron shut off and I ran to the bridge, “2V what the hell was that” I screamed. “Seems we have Republic visitors Master” squeaked the droid. “How in the hell did they find me”, I questioned both of us. “Get us the hell out of here NOW!” I screamed.
RV pulled back on the stick and Talon 1 began to lift and turn towards the departure gate. Just as we lined up to exit the space port the hangar doors started closing in. “Punch it Punch it!” I screamed. The little droid did just that, he mashed the throttles forward and Talon 1 jettisoned forward. We screamed out from the spaceport and closing hangar doors with room to spare. “Lock in coordinates back to Rakata Prime 2V, we don’t have time to paly cat and mouse with these Rebels” I said forcefully. 2V punched a few more buttons and we breached the atmosphere and within seconds 2V made the jump to light speed. Huh the droid adjusted the stabilization coils……..
Day 5
Voice Log 5.1----I spent most of the light speed jump trying to make sense of what I could get out that holocron. I could not do it alone. I needed Shidoshi, he would know its meaning. Or so I hoped.
We came out of light speed in the Rakata Prime sector and made our way to the Temple once again. This time, Shidoshi Mumashi was waiting near the landing pad.
“I see you have fulfilled your mission young one” the old man stated.
“Not quite sure Master, I cannot make heads of this holocron and I need your guidance”, I replied.
We walked into the temple and I drew upon its powers. The knowledge in this place, I still needed to claim it. But there will be time for that some other time. I bowed as I entered the throne room and the statues of our Sith Lords gazed upon me. We walked in silence the old man and I, our hands grasped behind our backs, these are the only moments I truly felt at peace with him. The eyes of the fallen seemed to follow us no matter where we walked in that room. The temple may seem to be in ruins, but she is very much alive.
We came into the control room, and I placed the holocron on the reader. Images flashed before us, far off places artifacts danced in front of us. Blurred images constantly repeating themselves. “Try adjusting the frequency” Mumashi stated. I obliged the old man and managed to fine tune the holocron a bit more. “It’s a fragmented holocron, we are missing a part of the message” said the old man. I looked over at him and he seemed puzzled at what was dancing before us. Then his eyes widened, “Stop” he exclaimed. “Go back” he ordered. I reversed the play back and once again adjust the frequency. There in a flash of bright light, there in front of us it appeared clear as day. The Planet Takodana, on the far outskirts of the planet. There it was hidden in the jungle. The laboratory that created that machine that almost killed Grand Master Muz and myself.
“I have to get this to Master Muz and BloodFyre. We need to make a play on this site quickly” stated DarkHawk. “Patience young one, always so eager to jump to the fight, never letting the fight expose itself to you” replied Mumashi. “The Lion and BloodFyre have already foreseen this, you are not showing them nothing they do not know” he said those words almost softly. “I don’t understand Master, why does The Lion not take care of this himself, he has the power to so” DarkHawk questioned. “He leads me to believe he is aligned with the Jedi, and I know that is not possible” DarkHawk exclaimed. “that freaking box damn near ended us and I knew something was off, the Grand Master was far to calm in dealing with it” the warrior stated overzealously.
“Young one you, still have much to learn, one does not become a Grand Master simply by force, or killing. There is more to it than that. Did you not think he was on to the ruse of you being there from the Council? Both The Lion and BloodFyre deserve much more than that from you, young one. Your training though extensive, is not complete. Though I have taught you the ways, there is more to be learned from the ones you must keep close, regardless of perception or thoughts from others” said the old man.
The words resonated within DarkHawk, “You are the one I trust old man” replied DarkHawk. Mumashi, held up a finger as to have his warrior pause for a moment. Silence bellowed through the room, the old man took in a deep breath, “Release your doubt young one, there is no need, for it clouds your mind to the truth and the end game of this mission” said Mumashi. “Seek out The Lion, and BloodFyre, they will take your teachings further, learn from them, and no matter what destroy the doubt inside you, or it will be your undoing” said the Shidoshi.
DarkHawk looked puzzled, but then the realization of what just transpired hit him. The Lion knew all along of my doubt and my dedication to the Clan. He knew that if he pointed me in the right direction I would come to this very instance, the realization that I would find this information. He knew that even though I was gone my hiatus was not for nothing. The Lion knew I would attack this with ferocity and tenacity. I was his vessel to uncover what needed to be uncovered. Oh One-Who-Remembers, you will surely feel the blade of the Sith….
Day 6
Voice Log 6.1----I made all the adjustments and repairs that I could to Talon 1. I said my goodbyes to my Shidoshi, and promised him I would be back. 2V was making his way to the bridge as I punched in the final coordinates back to HQ. This I had to get this information back to Muz and BloodFyre. I lifted the ship off and made my way to the outer rim of the planet and punched it forward and made the jump to light speed. My body was a bit sore from what took place over the past few days. I knew that it may only get worse in the days to come. Some vacation this turned out to be……

For Your Eyes Only (Two Person Joint-Runon)
Textual submission

Manually added by Augur Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar