Kyuzo Petar

Kyuzo Petar
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Dagger

Granted: Electro-plasma Filament

Melee Weapon Cosmetic: Battleworn Weapon

Bladed Weapon Enhancement - III: Advanced Mullinine Edge

Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - III: Sensor Signature Reduction (Advanced)

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Darth Renatus

Prototype: Kyuzo Petar

Slotted in: 05 - Renora's Things

The Kyuzo Petar is a double-bladed weapon that has a bronzium knuckle-guard, and features a conductive tempered carbon edge; with a flick of a button, this edge becomes energized with a scintillating monomolecular energy chord, vastly increasing the cutting power and deadliness of the weapon. Powering this deadly edge are rechargeable energy cells sealed within the hilt of the weapon.

Granted Aspect: Electro-plasma Filament (Granted)

Electro-plasma Filament

Parallel to the cutting edge of the weapon is an electro-plasma filament that creates an energized blade capable of parrying a lightsaber. The weapon draws its power from an integrated power-cell at the weapons base, increasing the cutting-edge's lethality.

Battleworn Weapon (Melee Weapon Cosmetic)

Kyuzo Petar has seen combat, and it shows, with marks scarring the body on the weapon, and minor damage in the form of scratches and dents unrepaired since they had no impact on the functionality of this Kyuzo Petar.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Poison Weapon
Advanced Mullinine Edge (Bladed Weapon Enhancement - III)

Kyuzo Petar has been fitted with an advanced mulliline blade, allowing this Kyuzo Petar to better keep its sharpness and deliver greatly more penetrating injuries.

Sensor Signature Reduction (Advanced) (Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - III)

The handle of this Kyuzo Petar has been modified with greatly dampened electrical components, making Kyuzo Petar completely resistant to sensors.