Sith Zeyd Cloth Cloak

Sith Zeyd Cloth Cloak
Type: Back
Category: Cover

Back Cover Cosmetic: Gray-Scale Pattern


Owned by: Malisane Sadow

Prototype: Sith Zeyd Cloth Cloak

Slotted in: Malisane Loadout

The Sith Zeyd Cloth Cloak is a long flowing outer robe of zeyd cloth, a dark patterned non-glossy fabric with square waffle style weaves that reaches all the way to the ground with a deep hood and wide sleeves. Emperor Palpatine was known to wear such a cloak.

Gray-Scale Pattern (Back Cover Cosmetic)

Sith Zeyd Cloth Cloak features a gray-scale pattern of dark colors to help assist with blending into crowds and shadows. At the same time, it can make Malisane Sadow stand out like a sore thumb.