Competition: Figureheads: Week 2 Fiction

Figureheads: Week 2 Fiction


Infighting and paranoia tear at Arcona. You character has been selected to go on a mission for your superiors, be they the Arconae or Quaestors, to sow discord and fear amongst your opponents. You could cut their infrastructure, destroy a base, or cause a riot in a loyal settlement.

Arcona Invicta!


Any word processing platform.


250 word minimum, as standard for fiction competitions, no maximum word count. Points are awarded according to the fiction grading rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Event: Figureheads
Organized by
Nikola Valtiere Erinos, Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Running time
2014-08-18 until 2014-08-24 (7 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
13 subscribers, of which 9 have participated.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Textual submission

Atyiru Caesus Entar
Pin #13486 :P

1st place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
Textual submission

Arcia Cortel, 3463

Google Doc Link:

2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Textual submission


3rd place
Adept Celevon Werd'a
File submission
Textual submission

OP Celevon Edraven (Obelisk) / BTL, Battleteam Arete of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona
PIN# 12004

4th place
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
File submission
Textual submission

Nath Voth
PIN #13425

5th place
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
Lynnyaria Meraudstar opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Meleu Karthdo
Textual submission

Meleu Karthdo.
PIN: #13763

A small alleyway,
Estle City,
0359 hours

From inside his combat robe, Meleu pulled out his holocommunicator. The darkened alley he was hidden within momentarily lit up with a dull blue as a hologram stood up from the base of the recorder.

“Your task is to sow discord and fear into the Quaestor supporters. They must fear us,” the familiar voice of Timeros Arconae stated.

Meleu turned the holocommunicator off for the final time, slipping it back inside his robe. The metallic sound of boots clunking against the ground brought him back to his senses, and he slipped back into the shadows. Once again the Human reached into his robe, but this time he acquired an improvised explosive device.

As the sound of the footfalls drew closer, Meleu pulled himself against the wall, making himself virtually invisible to the patrol passing by.

“Squad, halt!” the patrol commander shouted. The men executed his command perfectly.

_Now is the time. They are changing the guard._

The young Knight moved to the wall that was parallel to him, with his back still against the it. He began edging closer to the corner of the building, towards the main path that the patrols were moving along. He placed his right hand on the corner of the wall, peering around to scout the street ahead.

With admirable silence, Meleu made his way hurriedly towards the entrance of the barracks through the shadows. The sound of men drew closer as Meleu neared the doorway. Once again he peered around the corner, noticing no danger. He moved into the building, entering a long hallway. The noise continued to grow louder, with the clanking weapons startling Meleu. He scampered to the middle of the corridor, placing the explosive device on the ceiling of the building.

As he turned to exit the building, Meleu bumped into a tired-looking trooper.

“Who are y-” the troopers voice was cut off, Meleu firm left hand covered the man’s mouth. Muffled noises protruded between the gaps in Meleu’s fingers; however they were not loud enough to wake the others, much less alert the patrol. The soldier continued to struggle, but this struggle was about to be over. Through the Force, Meleu called down his hilt into his right hand through the sleeve in his robe, under his metallic mask, a small grin began to grow on his face.

_It’s time._

Meleu positioned the hilt under the man’s heart, and as he ignited the blade, the muffled screams of the trooper died out instantaneously. The ruby blade lit up the small corridor in excellent crimson, alerting the patrol.

The soldier’s body was still falling when the half-dressed patrol reached the passageway, the room darkened once more. The men hurried over to the body, unaware of their impending demise. Meleu had made his way out of the building, and the timer on his explosive device had just mere seconds until it would explode. He returned to his previous location down the alley, sticking to the wall.

With only moments remaining, Meleu looked for an escape route. He looked to the sky; The mountain city was high up, and the clouds of the night sat below the clifftops.

_That will be my escape._

He sketched a quick map in his head, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, weaving through small alleyway.


The impressive sound caught Meleu by surprise, the ground rumbled and the telekinetic prowess of the blast pushed Meleu to the ground. The fires of the strike lit up the darkened street, lights flickered on around the city and shouting was heard. The Sith immediately leapt to his feet, running towards the ruins.

He held his blade in his right hand, and strolled into what was left of the barracks. Screaming men rolled on the floor engulfed in flames as they tried to put themselves out, others lay lifeless, sprawled across the floor in charred heaps, some still left ablaze. He scoured the ruin for survivors, but it was to no avail. Everyone was dead or soon would be.


He continued to meander through the ruin, ignoring any of the flames that engulfed the rubble. As he reached the other end of the building, he met a high wall.

_Only a mere obstacle._

Meleu unlit his red blade, placing it up his sleeve. Through the help of a short burst of speed, the Juggernaut leapt into the air, hitting the wall with his right foot. He propelled himself back towards the broken building he had just exited from, but twenty feet higher. This time he landed just below the roof, grabbing the edge of its fine durasteel finish with both of his hand. He raised himself onto the roof through the use of his upper body strength.

_A perfect vantage point._

The Knight looked down towards the street, various flashlight equipped troops were searching thoroughly for any sign of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, they weren’t looking high enough.

The Sith readied himself once more, this time he looked up towards the street level above. The only thing that separated him was ten feet of height and several feet of open space. Once more he used his speed, this time however, he propelled himself through the air using the Force, launching from the rooftop with both feet.

He landed in a similar position to the last, raising himself over the ledge and onto the street. Several civilians had made their way onto the streets to find the cause of the commotion. They instantly spotted the Sith as he gracefully brought himself to his feet. Silence ensued.

_Interesting situation._

A young woman screamed, Meleu ignited his blade. He ran over towards her, with plans to silence her.

“Stop right there!” the voice of an elderly officer called out towards the Sith.

Meleu froze, yet was totally aware of his surroundings. Half a dozen armed soldiers circled him, flashlights pointing at his face. He lowered his blade, extinguishing it.

“Fine, you win; I surrender,” Meleu spoke out in a cold, chilling voice.

“We don’t take traitors alive Sith, we kill them.” one of the half dozen called out.

_I wish people would keep their mouth shut._

Without hesitation, Meleu used the Force to augment his speed and raced towards the officer. As he reached the man, he raised his hilt and instigated a slicing motion towards his neck. It was only then that the circling troops fired towards the original spot of the infiltrator. Meleu smirked as he ignited the crimson blade, fractions of a second before it hit the soft skin of the soldier. As his blade followed through, so did the head.

The soldiers momentarily paused at the sight of their officer’s beheading, giving Meleu a sudden upper hand. He launched his lightsaber through the air towards one of the troops, rolling abruptly to his left. Before his lightsaber reached the target, Meleu launched himself into the air behind another one of the troopers.

As he landed, he called upon the Force to pull back his lightsaber towards him. The blade finished hurtling through the air, slicing the abdomen of the original target with its final spin, before speeding up once more towards the Knight. The slow reaction times of the soldier Meleu had just jumped behind benefitted him. As he turned towards the Sith, the returning blade cut through the waist of the man, separating his legs from his body.

The remaining men of the patrol turned and ran. As the other three lay lifeless, the screaming of the woman continued.

Meleu bolted, catching his blade and then extinguishing it. He knew that if he were to be caught out again, he would surely die. The whole city would be on alert by now.

He continued up towards the cliff tops by making his way down a small alleyway, only several feet wide. As he reached the end, he came across yet another high wall.

_No problem._

He pulled out his lightsaber for use as a climbing aid. He backpedaled slightly, before running and leaping towards the wall. With use of both hands, he slammed his glowing blade into the obstacle. The blade slid down under his weight until it reached a thick density of metallic alloy. He reached up towards the ledge above with his left hand, grabbing it by fingertips. Using his strength, he held onto the ledge whilst simultaneously pulling out his lightsaber from the durasteel wall. He clambered over onto the next street level.

Meleu looked back down, the bright flashlights were following his footsteps, but had seemingly lost him in his climb up to the next level. He focused his sight upwards, noticing the clouds from earlier had submerged onto the street he was currently standing on.

_Ah, some cover, finally._

Meleu continued up the hill, moving fast and avoiding detection through the shadows.

No placement
Occultan Iacul
Textual submission

Sight Nortorshin


Sight stood on a hill overlooking the small village of Cortin. Cortin was located upon an island on the opposite side of Selen from the Arconan Citadel. The Priest’s crimson eyes took in the sights of the village’s pre-dawn slumber. A pale smile spread upon the Sight’s face as he remembered his mission brief.

*”Cortin. This traitorous village aligned itself with the Quaestors today. Orders have came down from the Arconae. Chief Engineer Nortorshin, this village is never to see the light of tomorrow's sun. Use whatever means you must to accomplish this,” his Captain, Arcia Cortel, had given him the order herself.*

Sight was aware that Arcia had read his file and this was not the first time he had done something of this nature. However, after further study, the Krath had learned the strategic advantage of Cortin. The village was inhabited by master jewel smiths that specialized in both synthetic and natural lightsaber crystals.

The albino shouldered his heavy rucksack as he made his way down the hill and into the village. The village was dark as the majority of the inhabitants slumbered in their warm beds, unaware of death approaching. Thankfully it was too soon after Cortin had sided with the Quaestors for there to be any Force Users posted as guards, or any guards at all. The streets were almost too quiet and empty as Sight walked through the village. At every building, the albino would reach into his rucksack and lay a single square package down at a structural weak point. Each package had a red light on them which would slowly blink.

After twenty minutes of walking through the small village, Sight returned to the hill where he had started from. The sunrise was still over an hour away and the assassin activated the triggering device. Fire reached toward the stars as the explosives went off in the slumbering village. The chemicals used in jewel crafting and some of the more unstable crystals had detonated due to the increased heat and pressure they became exposed to. His mission finished, the albino turned his back upon the smoking remains of the village and moved to the extraction point where a shuttle waited for him.

No placement
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
File submission
No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
No placement