Competition: Half-Rhyme


Patterns of Sound

Rhyme is the repetition of identical or similar stressed sound or sounds. Rhyme is, presumably, pleasant in itself; it suggests order; and it also may related to meaning, for it brings two words sharply together, often implying a relationship, as in the now trite dove and love, or perhaps the more imaginative throne and alone.


Your objective is to write a short poem using a Half-rhyme(or off-rhyme). Only the final consonant sounds of the words are identical; the stressed vowel sounds as well as the initial consonant sounds, if any, differ (soul-oil; mirth-forth; trolley-bully).

Competition Information
Parent Competition
A Period of Poetry
Organized by
Creon Neverse
Running time
2022-04-01 until 2022-04-30 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
7 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Textual submission

Jedi infiltrated my beloved club,
This I came back to and it does bug.
While the galaxy moved on I did not,
And now no peace I have saught.

1st place
2nd place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek
Textual submission

I've written many a poems, has anything changed?
My attitude, my desire to win, too many words, I laughed!
My throat and my mind have become chaffed!
Everyone will see what I wrote. Everything watched...

2nd place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Textual submission

The prophets of a soft sunburst
settle across a lonely karst,
the limestone kissing weary feet,
the air threat'ning to burn a throat.
The dolomite leaves sunken holes
for soothsayers to forge great halls
and use stalactites as great towers
to forge sweet "medicine" and powders.
One deep inhale, and future's lost
to hallucinatory dreams and boasts.
A prophet cannot warn of dawn
if foresight bright is overthrown.

3rd place
Sera Kaern
Textual submission


In shades of grey,
throughout the day,
that city solemn on the bay.

It's people forged of iron,
and spires hewed from stone,
to stand when all 'round burn.

And the hordes came calling,
its children refused to beg,
for there was no greater pride than to stand among,
those who knew to stand, to act, and in their deaths, hear their virtues sung.

No placement