Competition: Haiku: Week 8

Haiku: Week 8

Week 8 is here, and we are continuing to push you to think creatively here. Best wished to you all. Have fun and subscribe below for writing prose.

Requirements for participation:

  • Subscribe to the competition, and submit either a .doc, .docx file, or in the text box.

  • No Google Drive Links Will Be Accepted

  • Follow the prompt. If the three judges agree that this hasn’t been done, you will be disqualified from that week’s challenge.

  • This is a haiku, so you must follow the 5-7-5 syllable count, as well the stanza requirement posted in each week's prompt.

  • Satirical entries will be accepted and graded accordingly. If they fail to properly reflect the spirit of the prompt, it will be reflected in the scoring.

  • Do Not Plagiarize! Plagiarism will be reported to the Justicar.

  • Have fun and be creative. Show us what that brain of yours can really do.

This weeks Haiku will be graded out of 60 points:

Spelling/Grammar: 20% Creativity: 30% Entertainment Value: 20% Originality: 30%


  • 1st: 10 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 2nd: 9 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 3rd: 8 points + 3rd tier crescent

  • 4th: 7 points

  • 5th: 6 points

  • 6th: 5 points

  • 7th: 4 points

  • 8th: 3 points

  • 9th: 2 points

  • 10th: 1 point

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Twelve Weeks a Haiku
Organized by
Master Aiden Lee Deshra, Rosalyn May, Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Running time
2016-05-20 until 2016-05-27 (8 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
13 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

I hate lightsabers.
Elegant weapons, my ass.
More like hack and slash.

Give me a blaster,
Or let me fly TIE fighters.
Those are real weapons.

Nevertheless I
Must still train with my 'saber
As I am Jedi.

1st place
2nd place
Textual submission

My lightsaber shines,
but you can't see it when it's
buried in your chest.

My lightsaber hums,
but you can't hear it over
the sound of your screams.

My lightsaber kills,
but you can't witness this when
you're already dead.

2nd place
3rd place
Ryan Hawkins
Ryan Hawkins
Textual submission

A bladeless bronze hilt
Why do I not bring it life?
Igniting kills both

A flash can soon kill
Wielder's soul as victim falls
Keep silent, keep peace

No weight in my hands,
Only weight in the slaying,
Light lift, heavy fall.

3rd place
4th place
Aul Celsus
Aul Celsus
Textual submission

Blade, a searing light
Its energy flowing forth
Extension of me

Hilt, comfort and strength
The foundation of my heart
Grip, solid embrace

The Force is its soul
Soaring towards its target
Impact: Victory

4th place
5th place
Textual submission

The blade is my will–
the impulse that lights the mind
ignites the saber.

In the rush of war
the blade is one with the mind,
it seeks the foe’s flesh.

The green saber strikes,
It sates its thirst on foe’s blood–
I am the blade's will.

5th place
6th place
Textual submission

The weapon of old
Known as a crossguard saber
An ancient design

Protecting the hand
The quillons are for defense
And counterattacks

Alishu wields one
Though not the first, nor the last
It's the blade of fate

6th place
Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind
Textual submission

Weathered silver hilt
Was constructed on Taris
Blue plasma crackles

Practicing daily
Use it to spar with Firith
Get in some good hits

I strongly swing it
With deadly accuracy
It's my lightsaber

7th place
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Textual submission

My deadly weapon,
The Deathsaber of BF.
Sheathed in blackened skulls.

Be wary of it.
I'll sodomize you with it,
Or quickly kill you.

There's nothing like it
In the entire DB.
Says Bad Ass on it.

8th place
9th place
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon
Textual submission

My saber is green
Emerald shining at night
As foes are cut down.

My blade is silver
Its black hilt hiding the light
Ready to unleash

My two lightsabers
Partners always at my side
Never giving up

9th place
10th place
Aiden Dru
Aiden Dru
Aiden Dru opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place