Current Character Sheet for Casen Thresh

Hunter Casen Thresh

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Dowutin, Sith, Juggernaut
Height: 2.3 m / 7'7" - Weight: 277.6 kg / 612 lbs
Age: 153 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Massive, Buff, and Brutish, Casen Thresh, like most Dowutin, is a mountain of a man standing at seven and a half feet tall, his thick and calloused sandy orange skin wrapping tightly around his muscular frame. A smug smirk seems perpetually stuck onto his face, and his cracked mouth bears several cuts and scars, such as the small sliver cut into his upper lip that leaves a portion of his teeth visible from any angle, even through his underbite. With dark brown eyes and his shiny, bald head to top it off, Casen Thresh bears all the marks of a man that can give just as good as he gets.

Loadout: Servitus
Didn’t Say Anything About That (General Aspect)

Be it during a fight or life in general, moral compass means little to Casen Thresh. If you don’t want a person harmed, you had better specify. General terms mean nothing to him as Casen Thresh only deals in specifics. If the rules of a duel say you can’t shoot before the count of three? A grenade over the shoulder is fair game, then. Tell Casen Thresh to stop someone at all costs, well, you better not be concerned if they’re brought back dead or alive.

How Hard Can It Be! (General Aspect)

Casen Thresh always seems to underestimate the gravity of important situations or the difficulty of tasks by about a mile or ten.Casen Thresh is a bit of a slacker, never really thinking things all the way through - and it usually comes back to bite him in a wildly comedic way. However, he also tends to not be deterred from things that would often scare others away.

I Need a Drink! (Personality Aspect)

Casen Thresh is often confused and heavily saddened by the amount of idiocy that constantly surrounds him. It is often much easier for Casen Thresh to cope with people by ensuring he stays inebriated and dulling his senses. When unable to find alcohol for an extended period of time, Casen Thresh will devolve into a ravenous, hate-filled monster that is nigh impossible to be around. In other words, Casen Thresh is an addict.

Just Plain Selfish (Personality Aspect)

Casen Thresh rarely acts without an alternate motive when it comes to lending aid or acting in a situation. Be it greed, power, or something else, almost undoubtedly Casen Thresh is after something more than what he says - though sometimes Casen Thresh is even blunt enough to admit to it. While his self-serving attitude comes as a boon, usually, to his survival and pocketbook, his relationships are often strained by his outright selfish attitude.

Dirty Fighter (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to a fight, some like to posture, some like to act tough, some like to dance around and go through all sorts of fancy footwork. Casen Thresh? Casen Thresh doesn't bother with exotic battle stances, intricate maneuvers, or super-secret tactics. Casen Thresh, when cornered into a fight, prefers the ancient technique of a good kick to the nuts. And if that won't work, either because the enemy is a woman or has balls of steel, Casen Thresh isn't beyond pulling a few more cheap tricks out of the bag. Granted, Casen Thresh won't be winning any medals for nobility or any prestige for a unique fighting style or a superb maneuver, but Casen Thresh will still be winning, the best and most dirty way he knows how.

Play For Blood (Combat Aspect)

Through a mixture of cocksure courage and arrogant swagger, Casen Thresh will not back down from a challenge when called out, even if the wiser path is to walk away or let it go. Casen Thresh's personality does tend to rub a lot of people the wrong way, which generally puts him into situations that escalate quickly to violence. While he may not be the one to always start a fight, he will always see it through to it’s conclusion. Some have tried to play a challenge off as idle banter, but when Casen Thresh initiates or accepts a challenge, he does not hold back.

Skill Feats
Flex This Hard The Thrill
Force Feats
Rampage I
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Dowutin: A Not-So-Delicate Touch Dowutin: Have You Seen My Glasses Surge I Iron Pillar I
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Dowuta
  • Gamorrese
  • Huttese
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Wrruushi
Secondary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)